Source: Alaska Department of Health, Health Analytics and Vital Records
 Updated: 03/13/2023




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,155 30.9 66.1
20-24 3,317 79.6 177.9
25-29 3,601 67.0 141.9
30-34 2,536 42.4 87.6
35-39 1,116 19.5 41.7
40-44 144 3.2 7.0
All Ages 11,902 21.6 86.1
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 458 29.7 63.0
20-24 1,337 74.3 159.5
25-29 1,512 64.2 131.0
30-34 1,072 42.5 85.3
35-39 462 19.3 40.0
40-44 42 2.2 4.6
All Ages 4,895 21.6 80.7
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 125 28.1 60.6
20-24 316 84.3 191.2
25-29 346 64.0 140.9
30-34 275 39.7 84.2
35-39 135 18.8 40.9
40-44 27 4.8 10.9
All Ages 1,229 19.2 80.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 184 29.2 64.3
20-24 644 74.9 179.9
25-29 623 64.2 138.5
30-34 361 36.0 73.7
35-39 171 18.6 40.7
40-44 29 4.1 9.1
All Ages 2,016 21.9 86.7
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 67 25.3 52.8
20-24 160 100.2 197.5
25-29 184 66.3 129.1
30-34 180 41.2 81.1
35-39 80 17.3 36.3
40-44 13 3.7* 8.2*
All Ages 686 17.3 72.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 96 64.2 136.0
20-24 189 129.4 279.2
25-29 216 114.1 253.5
30-34 138 72.6 158.4
35-39 60 37.5 89.7
40-44 6 4.6* 11.5*
All Ages 708 34.7 164.1
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southeast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 128 29.2 61.6
20-24 317 77.5 164.8
25-29 399 67.7 141.1
30-34 317 43.5 89.9
35-39 136 18.5 38.8
40-44 14 2.3* 4.9*
All Ages 1,315 19.1 78.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southwest Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1990
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 97 35.2 79.3
20-24 353 84.8 218.6
25-29 320 70.2 180.5
30-34 193 48.2 119.4
35-39 72 22.0 54.7
40-44 13 5.7* 15.0*
All Ages 1,051 27.3 124.6
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,249 33.1 70.9
20-24 3,151 74.3 166.3
25-29 3,468 67.8 143.3
30-34 2,475 41.5 86.2
35-39 1,129 19.0 40.2
40-44 182 3.6 7.9
All Ages 11,687 20.5 83.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 482 31.8 67.3
20-24 1,293 69.1 149.2
25-29 1,486 65.5 133.5
30-34 1,053 41.3 83.7
35-39 469 18.8 38.3
40-44 58 2.7 5.8
All Ages 4,853 20.6 78.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 135 30.9 66.9
20-24 335 87.1 199.0
25-29 340 69.3 152.1
30-34 273 40.9 87.3
35-39 155 21.2 45.5
40-44 28 4.5 10.3
All Ages 1,268 19.5 83.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 192 29.4 64.4
20-24 602 70.3 169.6
25-29 591 64.4 138.9
30-34 357 35.9 74.5
35-39 168 17.6 37.5
40-44 30 3.7 8.3
All Ages 1,947 20.5 82.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 93 33.4 68.9
20-24 159 93.0 187.7
25-29 199 76.1 147.4
30-34 171 39.2 77.2
35-39 89 18.5 38.7
40-44 24 5.9 13.2
All Ages 737 17.6 74.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 113 74.5 160.7
20-24 163 121.6 246.6
25-29 206 109.0 244.1
30-34 132 68.4 148.3
35-39 44 26.9 64.0
40-44 7 5.2* 13.6*
All Ages 668 32.0 154.6
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southeast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 131 29.6 63.4
20-24 298 70.7 148.3
25-29 312 56.6 118.0
30-34 269 37.3 77.3
35-39 134 17.7 36.7
40-44 20 2.9 6.2
All Ages 1,167 16.4 68.2
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southwest Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1991
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 103 35.1 78.1
20-24 301 74.8 196.9
25-29 331 75.3 190.4
30-34 219 54.9 134.5
35-39 69 19.9 51.7
40-44 15 6.2* 15.3*
All Ages 1,042 26.5 121.7
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,257 32.4 68.9
20-24 3,245 76.5 171.7
25-29 3,329 67.0 142.3
30-34 2,538 42.4 87.7
35-39 1,132 18.5 38.8
40-44 187 3.6 7.8
All Ages 11,728 20.0 81.9
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 493 31.7 66.5
20-24 1,340 71.1 153.7
25-29 1,425 64.6 133.3
30-34 1,111 42.7 86.3
35-39 475 18.3 37.2
40-44 74 3.4 7.1
All Ages 4,933 20.2 78.2
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 128 27.7 59.9
20-24 323 82.8 187.9
25-29 310 63.0 136.4
30-34 272 40.3 86.2
35-39 108 14.1 29.8
40-44 30 4.6 10.3
All Ages 1,175 17.2 74.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 212 31.9 69.7
20-24 614 72.2 181.7
25-29 602 71.2 155.1
30-34 413 43.3 90.7
35-39 175 18.3 37.9
40-44 28 3.4 7.6
All Ages 2,053 21.6 88.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 65 21.5 44.6
20-24 158 87.1 178.5
25-29 199 76.6 147.7
30-34 195 44.3 86.2
35-39 95 18.5 38.6
40-44 10 2.3* 5.0*
All Ages 723 16.3 69.2
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 104 67.9 145.0
20-24 170 126.2 261.9
25-29 165 86.7 193.0
30-34 95 47.6 104.2
35-39 48 27.7 65.1
40-44 8 5.5* 13.4*
All Ages 594 27.1 132.1
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southeast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 128 28.0 59.7
20-24 315 78.1 159.2
25-29 334 62.5 130.1
30-34 273 38.6 79.1
35-39 132 17.2 35.9
40-44 20 2.8 6.0
All Ages 1,205 16.6 70.1
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southwest Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1992
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 127 43.1 96.2
20-24 323 81.5 206.1
25-29 294 66.4 164.7
30-34 178 43.7 102.9
35-39 98 27.3 73.2
40-44 17 6.7* 16.1*
All Ages 1,041 25.8 117.9
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,179 29.4 62.7
20-24 3,051 73.0 160.8
25-29 3,149 67.1 142.6
30-34 2,390 40.4 83.0
35-39 1,088 17.6 36.5
40-44 208 3.8 8.2
All Ages 11,090 18.6 76.9
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 486 30.9 64.7
20-24 1,267 67.8 144.3
25-29 1,393 66.3 137.6
30-34 1,060 40.5 81.3
35-39 460 17.6 35.2
40-44 93 4.1 8.4
All Ages 4,771 19.1 74.9
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 101 21.1 46.7
20-24 294 80.0 175.7
25-29 293 65.0 140.3
30-34 258 40.8 86.6
35-39 103 13.6 28.6
40-44 29 4.2 9.2
All Ages 1,079 15.7 68.9
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 190 27.9 61.4
20-24 570 67.8 164.5
25-29 544 68.8 148.8
30-34 335 35.7 74.0
35-39 174 18.3 37.0
40-44 32 3.8 8.5
All Ages 1,848 19.2 79.5
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 86 25.5 53.1
20-24 179 94.4 186.1
25-29 169 68.4 133.5
30-34 150 34.4 67.1
35-39 85 16.0 32.7
40-44 12 2.5* 5.4*
All Ages 682 14.6 62.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 79 48.3 100.5
20-24 138 98.5 202.0
25-29 139 75.8 169.9
30-34 117 58.4 127.6
35-39 42 23.5 52.8
40-44 4 ** **
All Ages 522 23.7 112.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southeast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 127 27.1 57.1
20-24 310 78.5 160.1
25-29 294 59.4 122.1
30-34 267 38.6 79.0
35-39 130 17.0 35.1
40-44 23 3.1 6.6
All Ages 1,156 15.8 67.2
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southwest Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1993
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 110 35.7 78.7
20-24 293 77.6 198.1
25-29 317 75.3 184.5
30-34 203 50.4 118.4
35-39 94 24.8 67.9
40-44 14 5.2* 11.9*
All Ages 1,031 25.5 116.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,211 29.4 63.1
20-24 2,889 70.8 154.3
25-29 2,881 63.1 132.7
30-34 2,353 40.6 83.8
35-39 1,109 18.2 37.3
40-44 201 3.6 7.6
All Ages 10,683 17.8 74.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 482 29.3 61.5
20-24 1,214 65.1 138.5
25-29 1,313 62.3 129.4
30-34 1,070 41.5 83.5
35-39 472 17.9 35.8
40-44 88 3.8 7.8
All Ages 4,653 18.4 72.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 118 23.6 52.9
20-24 308 81.2 179.6
25-29 284 64.5 138.4
30-34 218 35.2 74.1
35-39 147 19.7 41.4
40-44 14 1.9* 4.2*
All Ages 1,090 15.5 68.7
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 220 31.4 69.9
20-24 544 63.9 155.4
25-29 473 59.8 127.2
30-34 357 38.3 79.5
35-39 153 16.3 33.3
40-44 29 3.4 7.4
All Ages 1,784 18.5 76.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 76 21.1 45.2
20-24 172 84.6 168.6
25-29 165 67.7 133.5
30-34 180 43.0 82.9
35-39 79 15.1 30.6
40-44 17 3.3* 7.0*
All Ages 692 14.5 62.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 78 46.0 98.5
20-24 156 108.5 218.5
25-29 118 66.7 151.3
30-34 82 41.3 92.1
35-39 50 27.5 60.8
40-44 9 5.6* 13.8*
All Ages 494 22.1 106.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southeast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 117 24.5 52.3
20-24 253 65.7 136.1
25-29 274 56.4 116.4
30-34 264 39.9 82.0
35-39 135 18.3 37.6
40-44 31 4.2 8.8
All Ages 1,082 14.8 64.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southwest Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1994
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 120 45.9 95.8
20-24 242 96.2 211.2
25-29 254 79.3 177.6
30-34 182 46.8 118.3
35-39 73 21.0 52.5
40-44 13 4.8* 10.9*
All Ages 888 23.9 111.2
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,128 26.4 56.4
20-24 2,760 70.8 152.6
25-29 2,757 61.9 129.2
30-34 2,243 40.3 83.0
35-39 1,066 17.7 36.4
40-44 235 4.1 8.6
All Ages 10,225 17.0 71.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 452 26.9 55.8
20-24 1,169 66.8 140.8
25-29 1,193 58.3 121.0
30-34 1,026 41.4 83.0
35-39 475 18.3 36.8
40-44 109 4.6 9.4
All Ages 4,440 17.6 70.1
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 111 21.5 47.8
20-24 282 77.8 174.2
25-29 286 65.2 136.9
30-34 240 40.4 83.9
35-39 132 17.9 38.3
40-44 22 2.9 6.3
All Ages 1,078 15.1 67.7
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 182 25.1 55.4
20-24 532 65.3 154.2
25-29 484 62.1 130.3
30-34 330 37.0 78.0
35-39 152 16.6 33.5
40-44 29 3.4 7.1
All Ages 1,711 17.8 73.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 96 24.4 52.7
20-24 200 95.9 190.1
25-29 187 76.9 146.1
30-34 156 39.2 75.9
35-39 94 17.7 35.9
40-44 28 5.2 10.9
All Ages 763 15.6 66.8
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 77 43.5 93.8
20-24 114 79.8 160.8
25-29 109 66.3 147.9
30-34 92 47.4 104.0
35-39 30 16.1 35.0
40-44 5 ** **
All Ages 429 19.1 90.9
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southeast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 104 20.5 43.8
20-24 241 63.4 131.3
25-29 274 58.5 120.3
30-34 217 34.3 70.0
35-39 104 14.3 29.2
40-44 26 3.5 7.2
All Ages 971 13.3 57.7
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Southwest Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1995
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 106 39.2 82.7
20-24 222 92.4 198.6
25-29 224 72.0 163.1
30-34 182 48.8 120.1
35-39 79 23.5 57.9
40-44 16 5.7* 13.2*
All Ages 833 22.4 105.4
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.




Alaska Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1996
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 1,091 24.5 52.2
20-24 2,661 70.2 150.9
25-29 2,729 62.6 129.9
30-34 2,197 41.5 85.5
35-39 1,065 17.9 36.6
40-44 265 4.6 9.4
All Ages 10,048 16.6 70.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Anchorage Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1996
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 413 23.5 49.3
20-24 1,054 63.3 131.9
25-29 1,148 57.3 118.2
30-34 950 40.5 81.4
35-39 443 17.3 34.6
40-44 95 4.0 7.9
All Ages 4,117 16.3 65.6
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1996
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 131 24.3 53.7
20-24 277 81.6 178.6
25-29 297 69.1 142.5
30-34 233 42.3 86.1
35-39 129 17.9 37.9
40-44 36 4.8 10.0
All Ages 1,109 15.6 69.8
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Interior Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1996
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 155 20.6 44.8
20-24 528 64.5 152.6
25-29 476 63.1 134.8
30-34 337 39.5 82.9
35-39 139 15.5 31.2
40-44 38 4.4 9.1
All Ages 1,679 17.4 72.3
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Matanuska-Susitna Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1996
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 97 23.1 49.0
20-24 166 79.3 161.2
25-29 187 73.2 142.0
30-34 151 39.7 77.0
35-39 92 17.3 34.9
40-44 25 4.5 9.4
All Ages 719 14.3 62.0
** Rates based on fewer than 6 events are not reported.
1 Birth rates are births per 1,000 population.
2 Fertility rates are births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years old.
* Rates based on fewer than 20 events are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.


Northern Resident Birth Rates by Mother’s Age, 1996
Mother’s Age Births Birth Rate Fertility Rate
15-19 (Teens) 94 51.4 107.3
20-24 159 107.7 223.6
25-29 113 72.9 158.9