Medicaid Program Integrity
Provider Audits in Alaska
Alaska’s Medicaid providers, from large hospitals to mom-and-pop assisted living homes, are all asked to keep records on the services they provide for seven years. State and federal agencies oversee these records to ensure that services are adequate, records are kept correctly, billing is done correctly, and providers are not over- or underpaid.
This website is designed to give providers information on the different audits and reviews conducted in Alaska.
Follow this link to see a spreadsheet
of basic information, including who is subject to the type of audit, what it reviews, and contacts in case you have questions. Some audit names below are links, and you can follow them to more detailed information.
- UPIC: Unified Program Integrity Contractor
- DSH: Disproportionate Share Audit
- PERM: Payment Error Rate Measurement
- Myers and Stauffer
- Electronic Health Records (E.H.R.) Incentive payment audit
- Special audit or review by grant auditors
- Cost report audit
- Credit balance audit
- SURS audit
- Focused review or audit by a DOH program
- Required Provider Self-Audits
- Financial statement and State and Federal Single Audit