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Alaska Medicaid Expansion Information
WHO will be eligible?
- Adults between ages 19 to 64 without dependent children;
- Who make less than 138 percent of the federal poverty level;
- For single adults, that’s $20,328 a year ($1,694 per month)
- For married couples, that’s $27,492 a year ($2,291 per month)
- And are not eligible for another type of Medicaid or Medicare
WHEN can I apply?
- Applications will be accepted starting in September.
- Applications for Medicaid expansion received before September will be denied.
HOW can I apply?
Starting in September, you will be able to apply one of the following ways:
- Online through the Division of Public Assistance's Self-Service Portal
- Download an application and mail it in or drop it off at a Public Assistance Office
- Submit an application at a Public Assistance Office
- Starting on November 1st visit
Please visit this web page periodically for updates.
Web page last updated: 07-28-2015