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​​​​​​​​​​​SSPC LogoCouncil Members

If you would like to reach any of the SSPC Council Members, please contact Stephanie Hopkins

  • Monique Andrews, Chairperson, Military — Eagle River
  • Justin Pendergrass, Chair-Elect, Statewide youth organization — Wasilla
  • Sharon Fishel, Secretary/Treasurer, Education and Early Development — Juneau
  • Tonie Protzman, Officer-at-Large, Alaska Mental Health Board — Anchorage
  • Peter Angasan, Alaska Federation of Natives — King Salmon
  • Roberta Moto, Rural member off the road system — Deering
  • Anthony Cravalho, ABADA — Kotzebue
  • Terese Kashi, Secondary schools — Soldotna
  • Tracy Dompeling, DOH — Juneau
  • Cynthia Erickson, Public — Tanana
  • Marcus Sanders, Clergy — Anchorage
  • VACANT, Youth Member — Anchorage
  • VACANT, Survivor
  • Senator Elvi Gray-Jackson — Anchorage
  • Senator Mike Shower — Wasilla
  • Representative CJ McCormick — Anchorage
  • Representative Sara Hannan — Juneau

Suicide Prevention Council Coordinators

  • Stephanie Hopkins, Acting Executive Director
    431 N Franklin, Suite 200
    P.O. Box 110608
    Juneau, AK 99811-0608
    (907) 465-8536​
  • Eric Morrison, Assistant
    431 North Franklin Street, Suite 200
    Juneau, Alaska 99801
    Office: 907-465-6518
    Toll free: 1-888-464-8920
    Fax: 907-465-4410