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​Salvation Army Clitheroe Center

The Salvation Army Clitheroe Center operates two Residential programs by gender a 65-Bed Men’s program and a 12 bed Women’s program, both are State Certified and Nationally Accredited Substance Use Disorder and Co-Occurring/Dual Diagnosis Residential Treatment Center in Anchorage, Alaska.

Mission: “The mission of The Salvation Army Clitheroe Center is to improve the quality of life for all Alaskans seeking treatment for substance abuse through culturally relevant evidence-based practices to contribute to lifetime recovery.”

Residential Programs Services: We provide 3 different residential treatment programs. We provide separate ASAM Level 3.5 Intensive treatment programs for men and women. We also provide  ASAM 3.1 Clinically Managed Low-Intensity Residential Services for men, which allows individuals to learn job skills while in a structured residential environment.  Each client has their own individual counselor/therapist. We provide a 24/7 structured program with staff supervision. There are daily group counseling/therapy groups and clients have weekly and as needed individual counseling/therapy with their counselor. Other specialized staff include Case Manager, Peer Support Recovery Coach, a Nurse, and a Benefits/Financial Coordinator. Secure and monitored medication self-administration is scheduled daily and as needed. We help each client to work with their own healthcare providers in the community for primary, psychiatric, and specialized medical care as needed. The length of treatment averages 3-4 months.

Clitheroe Treatment: Recovery, Trauma Focused and Individualized Treatment: What is Recovery - A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential (SAMHSA). Clitheroe provides evidence-based curriculums and programming to meet the strengths and needs of each person. Our unique approach is to individualize treatment by assisting you to identify your own underlying core issues, often related to trauma, that are a trigger for the use of alcohol and other drugs. We help you develop healthy wellness coping skills and a strong network of support through clean and sober friends and support groups such as AA/NA, Celebrating Recovery, Peer Support Groups, etc. Our goal is to help you start on life-long recovery.

Tobacco-Free: All Clitheroe Center campus Buildings and Property Are Tobacco Free. Clitheroe affirms that tobacco/nicotine is a serious addictive drug with similarity to heroin. Our goal is to assist clients to recover from all substance use disorders, including tobacco/nicotine.

Campus: Clitheroe Men’s Residential Center is located in Midtown in a newly renovated facility, near public transportation just off Tudor.  We have a large main two-story building with living areas on the upper floor and treatment areas on the lower floor. There is a large common living room with large screen smart TV, computers, and tables for games and crafts. The bedrooms are communal living with 3 to 6 persons per room with separate restrooms/showers and laundry rooms. The lower level includes group counseling rooms as well as our work out gym with variety of exercise equipment, chapel, and counselor offices. Finally, the campus includes large gardens and clients can volunteer to learn horticulture and help grow natural vegetables that are used in our own kitchen.

Clitheroe Women’s Residential Center is located in the Salvation Army SAFE Campus between A and C Street.  WE have access to the Corp gym, ready access to walking trails, and close public transportation.  The building is one story, with a small side yard for gardening.  There is a large common living room with large screen smart TV, a library, a gym, and tables for games and crafts. The bedrooms are communal living with up to 4 persons per room with separate restrooms/showers and laundry rooms.  Counselor offices are located in the main entry of the building.

Intake & Other Services: Our intake office for residential is at our Clitheroe Outpatient Center in East Anchorage. Pre-admission assessment and interim treatment, as well as post-residential aftercare are available services at our Outpatient Center.

Salvation Army Clitheroe Center  

Facility Details

Location: 3600 E 20th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99508
Care Level: ASAM Level 3.5
Age Range: 18+
Ge nder(s): Co-Ed
Beds: 42
Length of Stay: 3-4 Months (average)

Contact Information

Kristine Hanna
Clitheroe Intake Coordinator
Phone: 907-770-8812
Website: Clitheroe