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​​Update on Quarterly Report Forms

September 20, 2023

Good afternoon DBH grantee,

We are writing to provide an update and some reminders about quarterly reports.

Update on quarterly report forms: Quarterly report templates are in process of getting posted on our website. There is a template for each grant program. In past years we had a checklist/coversheet included. Those have been removed leaving just the report template for your quarterly report this year.

Forms can be found here

Community Action Plan (CAP) Reminders: CBHTR grantees are required to participate in the community action planning meetings. The purpose of these meetings is for communities to define their behavioral health continuums of care and to work together as partners to ensure service coordination and identification of any gaps and barriers within the continuum.  

Which agency is submitting CAPS? Grantees have identified one agency to submit their CAP meeting minutes to DBH. If you are a CBHTR grantee and you are not sure of which CAP you are supposed to be participating in or you do not know which agency is submitting the CAP meeting minutes for your community meetings, please reach out to your program manager at DBH to assist you.

What if we don’t belong to a CAP? If your agency is not part of a CAP because of the limited services or providers in your region, you are required to submit a summary each quarter explaining efforts to establish a CAP as well as a report out on the items listed in the CAP instructions.

Remember to submit the Continuum of Care for your CAP: Please remember to submit your CAPs chart of the current continuum of care along with your quarter 1 meeting minutes. We are attaching Anchorage’s continuum of care as an example.

Please see FY24 CBHTR grants with the CAP instructions for more details.

New Requirement -AKAIMS Quarterly Summary reminder: Several years ago this report was a requirement and after feedback from providers we decided to remove it. Since that time, we have learned that we are not meeting our federal requirements with the minimal data set because much of the agencies’ data is missing. For this reason, we decided to establish again the requirement for CBHTR grantees to upload their AKAIMS quarterly summary into GEMS with the quarterly report. We acknowledge this is a report that we have access to and we appreciate you generating this and taking a moment to review it for accuracy. The intent of this requirement is to give you an opportunity to review that your agency’s minimal data set (MDS) is entered for the quarter and that the DBH has accurate data. Thank you for taking the time to do this and we anticipate seeing our data integrity strengthen because of your efforts with reviewing and including the quarterly summary.

Please see instructions for how to access the Quarterly Summary Report in AKAIMS. Please note that grantees must use the data from the quarterly summary to report RBB Measures.  Please also note that when downloading the Quarterly Summary report grantees must only pull data for their CBHTR grant funded program.  As explained in the attachment, there is an option to run the report for a specific grant program number.     

If you have questions, please contact your program manager.

Thank you for your partnership and for serving Alaskans,
Katie Chapman