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​​​​Prevention and Treatment Continuum of Care

Core Services

The central purpose of the Division is to provide a continuum of statewide behavioral health (mental health and substance use) services ranging from prevention, screening, and brief intervention to acute psychiatric care. Included are services for the general population (prevention & brief intervention), individuals experiencing emotional disturbance and emergency/crisis, seriously mentally ill adults, seriously emotionally disturbed youth, and substance use disorder services for youth and adults.

The Division of Behavioral Health has a commitment to improve the quality life of Alaskans through the right service to the right person at the right time. The continuum of care represents a commitment to mitigating risk of behavioral health with prevention and early intervention, insuring Alaskans are served effectively at the lowest level of care possible, while recognizing that the most acute and chronic conditions require a corresponding increased level of services, supports and resources.

Division Core Service Alignment 

Continuum of Care

The Division of Behavioral Health has a commitment to improving the quality of life of Alaskans through the right service to the right person at the right time. The central purpose of the division is to provide a continuum of statewide behavioral health services (mental health and substance use) ranging from prevention and screening to brief intervention and acute psychiatric care.

Continuum of Care: Early Intervention & Engagement Services, Outpatient Services, Acute Intervention Services, and Residential