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Anthony Piper
ASAP Program Manager
Boney Memorial Courthouse
303 "K" Street, BASEMENT
Anchorage, AK 99501
907-264-0735 phone
907-264-0786 fax

Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)

The Alaska Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) provides substance abuse screening, case management and accountability for Operating Under the Influence (OUI), Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test and other alcohol/drug related misdemeanor cases. This involves screening cases referred from the district court into drinker classification categories, as well as thoroughly monitoring cases throughout education and/or treatment requirements based on individual need.

ASAP operates as a neutral link between the justice and the health care delivery systems. This requires a close working relationship among all involved agencies: enforcement, prosecution, judicial, probation, corrections, rehabilitation, licensing, traffic records, and public information/education.

The Benefits of ASAP Monitoring:

  • Increased accountability of offenders;
  • Reduced recidivism resulting from successful completion of required education or treatment;
  • Significant reductions in the amount of resources spent by prosecutors, law enforcement officers, judges, attorneys and corrections officers enforcing court-ordered conditions; and
  • Increased safety for victims and the larger community because offenders are more likely to be receiving treatment, making court appearances, and complying with other probation conditions.

How do I get started with ASAP?

Please report in person to an ASAP Office with a copy of your judgment. That judgment must have ASAP as a stated ASAP requirement or with a copy of the notice of revocation. If you have not been convicted then ASAP will only accept OUI, DUI, or Refusal case.

ASAP has regional offices located around the state. If there is not an ASAP office in your area the please give us a call and we will be happy to assist you.

Online Orientation:

The Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) has created online orientation courses for each ASAP office. These courses have the ability to play on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Orientation is a REQUIRED part of the ASAP program. The online orientation will satisfy that part of the ASAP process. There are different courses for each of the ASAP offices. Please be sure to select the course for the ASAP office that you are working with. If you are unable to complete orientation online, then please contact the ASAP office.
