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Reporting Requirements

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If you only receive SNAP Benefits...

If your household only receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, you only need to report when your  household’s total gross income goes over the income limit for your  household size, if someone in your household has lottery or gambling winnings of $3,500 or more in a single game, and if a household member’s work hours fall below 20 hours per week if they are subject to the ABAWD time limit.

The SNAP Monthly Gross Income limits can be found on the SNAP web page. You may also contact Public Assistance at 800-478-7778 to get this information.

Changes must be reported within 10 days of when you know of the change. You may report changes to the Division of Public Assistance (DPA) by phone or in writing by completing a Change Report Form (GEN 55) and sending it to DPA by fax, email, or mail. 

We use the information you give us to determine that you are still eligible and the amount of your benefits. Increases in your expenses or decreases in your household’s income could mean higher benefits.

If you receive Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP), Adult Public Assistance (APA), Senior Benefits, or Medicaid benefits...

If your household receives ATAP, APA, Senior Benefits, or Medicaid benefits, you must report all changes that may affect your eligibility or benefit amount within 10 days of when you know about them. These include but are not limited to:

  • Change in state residency
  • Temporary absence lasting 30 days or longer
  • Change in marital status (marriage or divorce)
  • Death of a household member
  • New residence or mailing address
  • Someone moves into or out of your home
  • Household member gets a vehicle
  • When cash on hand and in bank accounts totals more than $2,000
  • Change in the source of unearned income or a change in the total amount of unearned income
  • Household member starts or stops a job, has a change in rate of pay or their employment status changes from part-time to full-time or full-time to part-time
  • Change in the legal obligation to pay child support or in the amount of child support a household member is expected to pay
  • Change in the household’s responsibility to pay any shelter cost
  • Household member starts, stops, or has changes in health insurance coverage, including Medicare
  • Significant improvement in the condition of a blind or disabled household member
  • Household member admitted to or discharged from a nursing home, hospital, or public institution
  • Household member approved or denied Social Security benefits
  • Change in pregnancy status
  • Changes in tax filing status


If you get ATAP benefits, you must also report within 5 days if a child moves out of your home.

What is Fraud?  

Fraud is intentionally making false statements, or misrepresenting facts or situations to get benefits a person is not eligible to receive.

A person commits fraud if they deliberately:


  • Alter or forge paperwork
  • Conceal, misrepresent, or withhold eligibility information
  • Fail to report changes as required
  • Speak or write false or misleading statements


In addition to being disqualified from receiving benefits, offenders will be required to pay back all money they fraudulently received. This includes Medicaid and any other program services.

Cases involving lots of money, blatant fraud, and those with prior fraud history will be referred to the Department of Law, Welfare Fraud Section for criminal prosecution.