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Medicaid Renewals Dashboard:
Returning to Regular Operations

Alaska had approximately 260,000 individuals enrolled in all Medicaid programs at the beginning of the unwinding process. Prior to COVID and the public health emergency, Medicaid renewals were occurring annually. During the public health emergency—to ensure continued coverage—the federal government suspended the Medicaid renewal process. 
  • The Department of Health’s priority is to ensure that Alaskans have healthcare coverage, either through Medicaid or another more appropriate plan.
  • Recognizing the challenges faced by rural, off-the-road communities in Alaska, the state has been granted special authorization to extend the Medicaid redetermination process to an 18-month duration.
Medicaid Renewals Details
    Current State of Medicaid in Alaska: Redeterminations Initiated: 201,485; Remaining (Projected): 26,108
    Revised data display—Earlier graphs reported only those determinations done automatically (ex-parte).  This enhanced graphic adds individuals processed during the SNAP renewal process to the number of ex-parte.

    Automated Renewals

    Report Date: 7/15/2024
    Data as of June 2024

    Automated Renewals, known as Ex-Parte, is a federally mandated process that utilizes existing state data to automatically renew Medicaid eligibility.

    Latest Quarter, May - July 2024

    Note: Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100% in the charts below.
    Medicaid Renewals Quarterly Snapshot. Click for full size. Data replicated in archive section at the bottom of this page.Additional Data Visualization—This is a snapshot of the most recent quarter’s worth of redetermination data.

    Progress to Date, June 2023 - June 2024

    Note: Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100% in the charts below.

    Medicaid Renewals Monthly Snapshot. Click for full size. Data replicated in archive section at the bottom of this page.
    Monthly Snapshots Explained—As of the day it is published, this graph reports on four possible “dispositions” resulting from initiated renewal:

    • Renewed and Retained: Individuals qualified for Medicaid benefits and successfully maintained their coverage.
    • Determined Ineligible: Individuals who no longer meet the eligibility criteria for Medicaid due to factors such as exceeding the income or resource limit.  Referrals are made to the Federally Facilitated Marketplace to explore alternative affordable healthcare coverage options.
    • Procedural Disenrollments: These are situations where individuals are disenrolled because they failed to complete the renewal process. Reasons for this may include not receiving the renewal form due to outdated contact information, or failure to return the completed renewal packet or required verification within the specified timeframe.
    • Pended for Additional Information: These are renewals that were initiated but are currently in a pending status. Further work is being done to gather additional information and complete the full determination process.

    Archive of Monthly Progress, newest to oldest

    Note: Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100% in the data below.

    June 2024 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for July 1 Benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures

    • 44% Renewed and Retained: 12,542
    • 6% Determined Ineligible: 1,798
    • 1% Procedural Disenrollments: 337
    • 49% Pended for Additional Information: 14,128

    May 2024 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for June 1 Benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures

    • 45% Renewed and Retained: 6,373
    • 12% Determined Ineligible: 1,651
    • 2% Procedural Disenrollments: 282
    • 41% Pended for Additional Information: 5,736

    April 2024 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for May 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 47% Renewed and Retained: 6,376
    • 12% Determined Ineligible: 1,633
    • 2% Procedural Disenrollments: 281
    • 39% Pended for Additional Information: 5,263

    March 2024 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for April 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 47% Renewed and Retained: 7,646
    • 11% Determined Ineligible: 1,843
    • 4% Procedural Disenrollments: 690
    • 37% Pended for Additional Information: 6,050

    February 2024 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for March 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 45% Renewed and Retained: 6,978
    • 11% Determined Ineligible: 1,684
    • 5% Procedural Disenrollments: 746
    • 39% Pended for Additional Information: 5,979

    January 2024 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for February 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 42% Renewed and Retained: 6,608
    • 11% Determined Ineligible: 1,747
    • 6% Procedural Disenrollments: 904
    • 41% Pended for Additional Information: 6,360

    December 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for January 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 37% Renewed and Retained: 4,710
    • 12% Determined Ineligible: 1,501
    • 6% Procedural Disenrollments: 770
    • 45% Pended for Additional Information: 5,748

    November 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for December 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 37% Renewed and Retained: 3,971
    • 10% Determined Ineligible: 1,122
    • 7% Procedural Disenrollments: 725
    • 46% Pended for Additional Information: 4,963

    October 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for November 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 36% Renewed and Retained: 4,272
    • 11% Determined Ineligible: 1,256
    • 6% Procedural Disenrollments: 728
    • 47% Pended for Additional Information: 5,557

    September 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for October 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 32% Renewed and Retained: 4,111
    • 11% Determined Ineligible: 1,469
    • 5% Procedural Disenrollments: 702
    • 51% Pended for Additional Information: 6,602

    August 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for September 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 33% Renewed and Retained: 6,516
    • 9% Determined Ineligible: 1,859
    • 40% Procedural Disenrollments: 8,060
    • 18% Pended for Additional Information: 3,560

    July 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for August 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 34% Renewed and Retained: 4,893
    • 11% Determined Ineligible: 1,577
    • 40% Procedural Disenrollments: 5,630
    • 15% Pended for Additional Information: 2,150

    June 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for July 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 35% Renewed and Retained: 2,659
    • 17% Determined Ineligible: 1,272
    • 28% Procedural Disenrollments: 2,108
    • 20% Pended for Additional Information: 1,491

    May 2023 Medicaid Renewals Initiated (for June 1 benefit)

    Publicly Reported CMS PHE Renewals Measures
    • 31% Renewed and Retained: 1,988
    • 13% Determined Ineligible: 837
    • 28% Procedural Disenrollments: 1,801
    • 27% Pended for Additional Information: 1,745