CDPHP Data Programs
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Webpage updated March 2024
Alaska Health Data Geographic Descriptions
Alaska Behavioral Health Systems Regions
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health has divided Alaska into 11 regions for assessment and reporting purposes. Each region contains at least 20,000 individuals, which complies with the HIPAA Privacy Rule for public dissemination of health data.
Boroughs/Census Areas by Behavioral Health Systems Regions
- Anchorage Municipality
- Anchorage Municipality (02020)
- Fairbanks North Star Borough
- Fairbanks North Star Borough (02090)
- City and Borough of Juneau
- City and Borough of Juneau (02110)
- Kenai Peninsula Borough
- Kenai Peninsula Borough (02122)
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough (02170)
- Northwest Region
- Nome Census Area (02180)
- North Slope Borough (02185)
- Northwest Arctic Borough (02188)
- Other Interior Region
- Chugach Census Area (02063)
- Copper River Census Area (02066)
- Denali Borough (02068)
- Southeast Fairbanks Census Area (02240)
- Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (02290)
- Other Southeast Region - Northern
- Haines Borough (02100)
- Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02105)
- Petersburg Borough (02195)
- Sitka City and Borough (02220)
- Skagway Municipality (02230)
- Wrangell City and Borough (02275)
- Yakutat City and Borough (02282)
- Other Southeast Region - Southern
- Ketchikan Gateway Borough (02130)
- Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (02198)
- Y-K Delta Region
- Bethel Census Area (02050)
- Kusilvak Census Area (02158)
- Southwest Region
- Aleutians East Borough (02013)
- Aleutians West Census Area (02016)
- Bristol Bay Borough (02060)
- Dillingham Census Area (02070)
- Kodiak Island Borough (02150)
- Lake and Peninsula Borough (02164)