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Wendy Allen, RN, BSN,TCRN
Trauma Program Manager
3601 C Street, Suite 424
Anchorage, AK 99503
907=764-4306 Office
907=269-0036 Fax

Alaska Trauma Registry

Alaska Trauma Registry Data Requests

Step 1: Prior to ALL data requests, please review the following information;

Step 2: After reviewing step 1, please review the documents below

Step 3: After reviewing step 2, please complete the documents below;

Step 4: Please email completed documents to Charlotte Bender, the Alaska Trauma Registry Database Manager.

Step 5: Please allow 24 hrs. for a response and instruction to follow.

About the Trauma Registry

The Alaska Trauma Registry is an information system of the most seriously injured patients in Alaska, and the treatment that they have received. Since 1991, the trauma registry has collected data from all 24 of Alaska's acute care hospitals.

The purpose of the registry is to evaluate the quality of trauma patient care and to plan and evaluate injury prevention programs. The criteria for inclusion in the trauma registry are patients with injuries who are admitted to an Alaska hospital, held for observation, transferred to another acute care hospital, or declared dead in the emergency department, and for who contact occurred within 30 days of the injury. Injuries include trauma, poisoning, suffocation, and the effects of reduced temperature.

Trauma Registry data is confidential and protected under Alaska Statute 18.23.010-070. All trauma registry personnel and those requesting trauma registry data are required to sign a confidentiality statement. The trauma registry does not include patient, physician, hospital, clinic, or ambulance service identifiers.

Emergency Programs provides quality improvement and administrative reports to hospital and ambulance service officials. Trauma registry information is also used by a variety of agencies and individuals in the planning and evaluation of injury prevention programs, for research and public education, for EMS training, and in developing public policy.

Information from the Trauma Registry is not available online. Requests are made to the Emergency Programs office and in most instances, provided in summary (aggregate) form. Non-aggregate data may be requested for special research projects through application and in accordance with the Trauma Registry Release of Information Policy.

Injury Surveillance Charts

Non-Fatal Charts

All Non-Fatal and Fatal PDF charts older than 25 months can be found on the State of Alaska Library Archives website.