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Conditions Reportable to Public Health in Alaska

Alaska has disease reporting requirements that support public health’s responsibilities to control the incidence and spread of communicable diseases in our state. This site provides information to help healthcare providers and laboratories comply with public health reporting requirements in Alaska. 

Many of the same conditions are reportable by both healthcare providers and laboratories. Sometimes reports are not made because each party responsible for reporting assumes that the other has already reported. Healthcare providers are not relieved of their obligation to report by virtue of the condition also being reportable by laboratories (and vice versa).

Further assistance may be obtained by calling the Section of Epidemiology at 907-269-8000 (or 1-800-478-0084 after hours).

Infectious Diseases

Reportable by Healthcare Providers

Reporting Timeframes:

  • Public Health Emergencies
    • Timeframe: Immediate
    • Acceptable Report Methods: Phone*

  • All Other Infectious Diseases
    • Timeframe: Within 2 days
    • Acceptable Reporting Methods: Phone*, Electronic**, Fax

*Prior to calling, please consult the relevant report form to know what data elements will be requested.

**Healthcare providers interested in establishing electronic reporting mechanisms should complete a Registration of Intent form and email to:

If you are a healthcare provider conducting point-of-care tests, you are fulfilling the roles of both a healthcare provider and a laboratory. You are therefore required to report relevant results, including those for COVID-19, influenza A and B, and RSV. Please see the "Reportable by Laboratories" section below for more details.

Reportable by Laboratories

Reporting Timeframes:

  • Public Health Emergencies
    • Timeframe: Immediate
    • Acceptable Report Methods: Phone*

  • All Other Infectious Diseases
    • Timeframe: Within 2 days
    • Acceptable Reporting Methods: Phone*, Electronic**, Fax

*Prior to calling, please consult the relevant report form to know what data elements will be requested.

** Electronic Lab Reporting (ELR) the electronic transmission of laboratory reports is the preferred method for receiving results. Further guidance on electronic reporting of lab test results to the State of Alaska. Healthcare providers interested in establishing electronic reporting mechanisms should complete a Registration of Intent form and email to:

***5455 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, PO Box 196093, Anchorage, AK 99507 (907) 334-2100 fax 907-334-2161

How to Report

Public Health Emergency diseases must be reported IMMEDIATELY by telephone to the Alaska Section of Epidemiology. All other infectious diseases must be reported within 2 days.

To report a Public Health Emergency:
Business Hours: 907-269-8000
After Hours: 800-478-0084

Manual Reporting (both laboratories and healthcare providers):

By phone, or by fax using a Confidential Infectious Disease Report Form or Confidential HIV/STD Report Form.

Telephone: 907-269-8000
Fax: 907-561-4239

Electronic Reporting:

  • For Laboratories: Electronic Laboratory Reporting
    • Alaska uses Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) for the electronic submission of lab results that may indicate a reportable condition, disease, or event. ELR follows the standards set by the Section of Epidemiology to ensure interoperability and accuracy in reporting.

  • For Healthcare Providers: Electronic Case Reporting
    • Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) automates the real-time transfer of case information from electronic health records (EHRs) to public health agencies (PHAs).

    • eCR also helps healthcare providers, hospitals, and critical access hospitals meet CMS requirements for the Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange objective under the Promoting Interoperability Program (PIP) and the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).

For more information on how to implement ELR, view Alaska’s ELR onboarding process guide.

Other Conditions

Immunization Adminstration Data

Healthcare providers must report immunizations to VacTrAK within 14 days of vaccine administration per (7 AAC 27.650).

VacTrAK is a statewide immunization information system that stores electronic immunization records for Alaska healthcare providers and for the public. VacTrAK combines immunizations a person has received into a single record, even if the vaccines were given by different healthcare providers in the state.

VacTrAK helps make sure Alaskans get the right vaccines at the right time.

The web-based application is available to participating healthcare providers and public health agencies to look up immunization histories and view recommended vaccinations. Timely reporting will ensure patient’s records are complete and up to date.

Reporting is required for ALL administered vaccines (state-supplied and privately purchased) and ALL patient ages (children and adults). Minimum reporting requirements:

  • Patient (name, date of birth, race, and address)
  • Vaccine (name or CVX code, manufacturer, lot number, administration date, dose amount, and dose-level eligibility status for children and adults)

Vaccine administration reporting is accomplished via direct data entry into the VacTrAK application. Reporting vaccine administration by electronic data exchange between electronic health record systems and VacTrAK may be approved if all requirements and data quality measures can consistently be met.

Contact: Section of Epidemiology, ImmunizationProgram
Telephone: 907-269-0312 Fax: 907-562-7802 (VacTrAK Support)


 Administered by Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Contact: Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Telephone: 907-269-2020 Fax: 907-269-5446.

Blood Lead Level Testing

All blood lead tests performed on Alaska residents must be reported to the Section of Epidemiology (SOE). Per 7 AAC 27.014, laboratories and providers performing blood lead testing (venous or capillary) are required to report all blood lead levels (BLLs) to SOE within 28 days, and providers are required to report BLLs at or higher than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention blood lead reference value within 7 days.

Toxic or Hazardous Exposures

A healthcare provider that cares for an individual hospitalized because of an outbreak or unusual incidence of a disease or condition known or suspected to be related to exposure to an environmental contaminant shall report the disease or other condition by phone or by faxing the Confidential Heavy Metal and Toxic Exposure Report form within 24 hours after first discovering or suspecting the existence of the disease or other condition.

Additionally, a public, private, military, hospital, or other laboratory performing heavy metal analyses shall report test results, regardless of level, no later than 28 days after performing the test.

Contact: Section of Epidemiology, Environmental Public Health Program
Telephone: 907-269-8000 Fax: 907-561-4239

Birth Defects

Administered by Section of Women’s Children’s & Family Health.
Telephone: 907-269-3400 Fax: 907-269-3465

Newborn Hearing Loss

Administered by Section of Women’s Children’s & Family Health.

Newborn Hearing Loss Program
Telephone: 907-269-3400 Fax: 907-269-3465

Firearm Injuries

Administered by Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Injury Prevention Program.

Firearm Injury Report Form
Telephone: 907-269-2020 Fax: 907-269-5446.

Occupational Disease/Injury

Administered by Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Occupational Disease and Injury Report Form
Telephone: 907-269-2020 Fax: 907-269-5446.