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Alaska Health Data

Social Determinants of Health (SDH)

The SDH are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels.

This category reviews outcomes and determinants related to mental health, maternal and child health, substance use, social exclusion, psychosocial distress, family dynamics, economic status, educational status, social support systems, and employment status.

Accidents and Injuries

This category contains health outcomes and determinants related to accidents and injuries.

The key outcomes considered are intentional and unintentional injuries with fatal and nonfatal results. The key determinants in this category include items such as the presence of law enforcement, traffic patterns, alcohol involvement, distance to emergency services, and the presence of prevention programs.

Exposure to Potentially Hazardous Materials

This category contains health outcomes and determinants that may arise from exposure to hazardous materials.

The key health outcomes considered are documented illnesses or exacerbation of illnesses commonly associated with pollutants of potential concern. These may be mediated through inhalation, ingestion, or physical contact.

Food, Nutrition, and Subsistence

This category includes health outcomes and determinants related to food security, dietary choices, and the consumption of subsistence foods.

The key health outcomes considered are nutrient deficiencies, malnutrition, and related diseases. The key determinants include diet composition, food security, and the consumption of subsistence foods.

Infectious Disease

This category includes health outcomes and determinants that result from infectious diseases.

The key health outcomes include rates for a range of infectious diseases, such as sexually transmitted infections (STI), respiratory illness, or skin infections.

Important health determinants may include immunization rates and the presence of infectious disease prevention efforts.

Water and Sanitation

This category includes changes to access, quantity, and quality of water supplies.

Key determinants reviewed may include distance to clean water, water fluoridation, indoor plumbing, water treatment facilities, and the existence of a washeteria.

Non-communicable and Chronic Diseases

This category includes health outcomes and determinants related to chronic disease.

Important outcomes include mortality and morbidity rates of cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases, and mental health disorders. Key determinants for chronic diseases may include smoking rates, rates of alcohol and drug abuse, physical activity levels, as well as cancer screening rates.

Health Services Infrastructure and Capacity

This category considers health outcomes and determinants related to health care access and health care infrastructure.

Important outcomes include the number of medical evacuations, clinics or hospital visit trends, health expenditures, and medication usage. Health determinants may include distance to health facilities, the presence of community health aides, and the frequency of physician visits to the area.