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Where to get a flu shot

The flu shot is widely available in Alaska. Most pharmacies don't require an appointment. To find a flu vaccine, go to or contact your healthcare provider, pharmacy or a state public health center.

Who should get the flu shot

Everyone aged six months and older can get vaccinated against the flu. It is especially important for older adults, pregnant women, young children and those with chronic health conditions.

Importance of getting a flu shot this year

A  study published in 2018 showed that from 2012 to 2015, flu vaccination among adults reduced the risk of being admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with flu by 82 percent.
The flu shot protects you, and protects those around you.

When to get a flu shot

The best time to get your shot is near the beginning of flu season in September or October. But it’s never too late, the flu vaccine is available well into spring.

Reduce your chances of getting sick

The most important step in preventing flu is to get a flu shot each year. You can also reduce your chances of getting sick with everyday actions like staying away from people who are sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and frequent handwashing. If you get the flu, stay home until at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or other necessities. Practicing multiple prevention methods can help slow the spread of germs that cause respiratory (nose, throat, and lungs) illnesses, like flu.

Learn more

Find more information at this CDC webpage about the flu vaccine.


“Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in Preventing Influenza-Associated Intensive Care Admissions and Attenuating Severe Disease among Adults in New Zealand 2012-2015”, by Mark G. Thompson, PhD, Nevil Pierse, PhD, Q. Sue Huang, PhD, Namrata Prasad, MPH, Jazmin Duque, MPH, E. Claire Newbern, PhD, Michael G. Baker, MD, Nikki Turner, MD and Colin McArthur MD.