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Occupational Injury and Illness (OII) Statistics

Accessibility of Occupation-related Injury and Illness Data

Information about injuries, illnesses, and hazards in Alaska industries is departmentalized; current systems are fragmented and provide little information about circumstances leading up to and culminating in a severe or fatal incident. Specific information is difficult to tease out of large publications with multiple data charts and tables. Raw unidentified data may need to be analyzed to determine it usability and usefulness.

Using existing data systems, a base level of occupational safety and health surveillance for population-based surveillance is possible. Based on the availability of raw and summary data, the 13 health indicators as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) could be gathered to discern the magnitude, trend, and distribution of occupational health conditions. Since the original 13 Occupational Health Indicators (OHI) were developed, CSTE had expanded the base-level of surveillance needed and provided guidance for 11 additional indicators. Additional information on data collection and analysis for OHI can be accessed at CSTE Occupational Health: Indicators​.

The table below provides a summary of the Alaska’s OHI primary and secondary data sources and a state-level profile of employment demographics.

Data Sources for Occupational Health Indicators

Occupational Health Indicator Primary Data Source Secondary Data Sources
Non-fatal work-related injuries and illnesses reported by employers AK DOLWD-SOII1 BLS2
Work-related hospitalizations ATR3 HFDR4
Fatal work-related injuries AK FACE5 CFOI6
Work-related amputations with days away from work reported by employer AK DOLWD-SOII BLS
Amputations filed with state workers’ compensation system AK DOLWD-WC7 BLS
Hospitalization for work-related burns ATR HFDR
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders with days away from work reported by employer AK DOLWD-SOII BLS
Carpal tunnel syndrome cases filed with the state workers’ compensation system AK DOLWD-WC BLS
Hospitalization from or with pneumoconiosis ATR HFDR
Mortality from or with pneumoconiosis AK BVS8
Acute work-related pesticide-associated illness and injury reported to poison control center AAPCC9 AK DOLWD
Incidence of malignant mesothelioma AKDHSS-CR10
Elevated blood lead level among adults ABLE11
Workers employed in Industries with high risk for occupational morbidity U.S. Census Bureau County Business Patterns
Workers employed in occupations with high risk for occupational morbidity BLS Current Population Survey
Workers employed in industries and occupations with high risk for occupational mortality BLS Current Population Survey
Occupational safety and health professionals NIOSH12
Occupational safety and health administration enforcement activities OSHA13 NIOSH
Workers’ compensation awards NASI14
Hospitalization for low-back disorders Not Available
Occupational asthma Not Available
Severe traumatic injury hospitalizations Not Available
Influenza vaccination rate among healthcare providers NHSN15
Occupational heat-related ED visits HFDR

1Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development – Survey of Occupation Injuries and Illness

2U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

3Alaska Trauma Registry (from all acute care facilities)

4Alaska Health Facility Data Reporting (from acute care facilities except DOD facilities)

5Alaska Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation

6Alaska Census of Fatal Occupational Injury

7Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development – Workers’ Compensation

8Alaska Health Analytics and Vital Records Section

9American Association of Poison Control Centers

10Alaska Cancer Registry

11Alaska Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance

11Alaska Violent Death Reporting System

12National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health

13Occupational Safety and Health Administration

14National Academy of Social Insurance

15National Healthcare Safety Network