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Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.


Mikaila Holt
Regional Nurse Manager



1314 Alaska Highway
PO Box 186
Tok, Alaska 99780

Call for an appointment

Tel 907-883-4101
Fax 907-883-4102

Registration forms

Tok Public Health Center


About Us

At the Tok Public Health Center, we provide individual clinical services and also work on community and system levels to improve the health of all Alaskans.  We promote strong community involvement and serve as a resource, helping to integrate and centralize information on health resources for the community. 


For general information on Public Health Nursing services, please visit our Services Page.

Please call 907-883-4101 for details on services offered at the Tok Public Health Center.

Scheduling and Fees

Please call 907-883-4101 to schedule an appointment. Fees may be assessed for public health nursing services. We have a sliding scale based on family size and income. No one is turned away for inability to pay.  Registration forms are available to fill out ahead of your appointment.

Communities Supported

Tok Public Health Nurses support the following communities:

  • Alaska Hwy/Border
  • Chicken
  • Mentasta
  • Northway
  • Tanacross
  • Tetlin

Page updated November 1, 2022