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Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.

Data and Statistics

What's New

Interactive Tableau Dashboards

Recent Annual Reports

Recent Special Reports

Data Availability

Vital Statistics Data (available on a lagged annual basis)

  • Induced Terminations of Pregnancy: January to March of the following year.
  • Birth, Death, and Other Vital Events: October to December of the following year.

HFDR Discharge Data (available on a lagged quarterly basis)

  • Quarter 1 (Jan-Mar): July of the same year.
  • Quarter 2 (Apr-Jun): October of the same year.
  • Quarter 3 (Jul -Sep): January of the following year.
  • Quarter 4 (Oct-Dec): April of the following year.

Requesting Data

Note: You will be provided with the latest data available at the time of request. All availability dates are tentative and subject to change without notice. All data are subject to change without notice due to reporting delays, corrections, or amendments. Preliminary data may be provided early at the discretion of HAVRS.

Additional Information

Information provided on this website is updated periodically and is the most current available. Do note that the data above may differ slightly when compared to data provided in annual reports and other routine publications. If any discrepancies are found between the two, the data accessed through this page takes precedence.

There is a $75/hour fee for special analysis requests. Additional information or alternative formats of these data are available by submitting a special request to the Health Analytics Unit.
