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MCDR Annual Summit


Publications older than 25 months can be found on the State of Alaska Library Archives website.


The purpose of The MCDR Annual Summit is to gather all agencies and professionals that provide services to high risk populations and that might be involved in the event of an infant, child or mother's death. The summit continues to evolve each year based on identified needs and feedback of our Review Committee and partners.

For MCDR Program and Summit updates please subscribe to the MCDR listserv.

2020 Annual Summit

The 2020 Annual Summit was held jointly with the Alaska Perinatal Quality Collaborative (AKPQC) on January 24, 2020 at the Nuka Learning and Wellness Center.

MCDR staff provided an annual programmatic update and presented recent data on deaths reviewed during the preceding year. Suicide Prevention partners presented on the many suicide prevention activities happening throughout the state and the Office of Children’s Services (OCS) provided information on the implementation of Plans of Safe Care, an initiative to ensure substance-exposed infants and their families consistently receive appropriate services and supports.

MCDR’s presentations will be posted soon. Please contact us at if you would like a copy in the meantime.

2018 Annual Summit

The 2018 Annual Summit was held on September 25, 2018 at the Campbell Creek Science Center. MCDR program staff presented summary data followed by group discussion of case summaries, with the goal of determining program recommendations. Another goal of the Summit was to re-establish a statewide committee of partners focused on data to action and prevention activities.

2017 Annual Summit

This meeting was conducted to address systems failures and agency miscommunications identified in reviews that contributed to fatalities in Alaska. This meeting facilitated partnerships and addressed gaps in services among agencies and providers who have a role in responding to fatalities or potential for prevention activities. Some of the powerpoint presentations from this meeting are below:

2016 Annual Summit

This meeting was conducted to develop recommendations focused on four priority topics (Suicide, Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID), Drowning, & Maternal Opioid-Related Deaths). Each topic generated 2-3 recommendations.

2015 Annual Summit

This meeting was conducted over 2 days to review over 100 deaths to catch up a back-log, assess classification consistency, and developed over 20 recommendations. These were summarized in the 2015 MCDR Annual Review: Recommendations Report.