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Title V in Alaska

Maternal Child Health Needs Assessment

About the Needs Assessment

Every five years the Division of Public Health, Section of Women’s, Children’s & Family Health conducts a statewide maternal and child health (MCH) needs assessment to develop a state action plan for services funded through the MCH Title V Block Grant. The purpose of the assessment is to determine health status and gaps in health care services. The findings resulted in the selection of MCH priorities that will drive local MCH work every five years. State MCH staff use the selected MCH priorities as a tool to focus efforts, align resources, and to positively impact the lives of infants, women, children and youth including those with special health care needs.

Title V Block Grant Needs Assessment Results

Contact the Alaska Title V Coordinator for a copy of the most recent Needs Assessment Results.
Ness Verigin, 907-269-3446 or