Opioids Settlement
The Division of Public Health (DPH) has announced the grantees for the Statewide Opioid Settlement grant, part of the National Opioid Settlement funds to help Alaska’s communities address the opioid epidemic. These grants represent approximately $2.8 million that will be annually available to support a three-year program totaling almost $8.5 million.
Past announcements
Grantee Awards by Public Health Region
The grantees applied through a competitive RFP process. Final decisions on awardees were made by
a committee with representatives from DPH, the Division of Behavioral Health, State of Alaska
procurement, and the Alaska Mental Health Trust. The maximum number of grantees for each Public
Health Region are three, with one additional statewide grantee.
Region 1 – Anchorage
Akeela $142,857
Expand assessment services and support more timely access to behavioral health services.
Alaska’s Children’s Trust $115,990
Support the updating of Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) program, implement the PIP train the trainer
curriculum and fund 3 sub-awardees to implement the curriculum for caregivers.
Volunteers of America Alaska $142,857
Provide medically monitored high-intensity residential services for youth and adolescents.
Region 2 – Gulf Coast
Central Peninsula General Hospital $142,757
Provide peer support and care transitions by helping patients address barriers to care.
Kachemak Bay Recovery Connections $142,742
Develop a mobile recovery program and develop a long-term and recovery community center facility.
Set Free $142,857
Expand telehealth and integrated telepsychiatry services to individuals with complex mental health needs.
Region 3 – Interior
Interior AIDS Association $142,742
Expand harm reduction, enhance treatment services, naloxone training/distribution, disease testing and connections to other care needs.
Region 4 – Mat-Su
Mat-Su Youth Housing $142,000
To provide peer support services at their drop-in center.
Set Free $142,857
Increase medical staffing to expand treatment availability.
Sunshine Community Health Center $129,843
Creating peer specialists and transportation support.
Region 5 – Northern
Norton Sound Health Corporation $142,857
Localizing their naloxone training and distribution program.
Maniilaq Association $142,857
Supporting a substance use disorder therapist.
Region 6 – Southeast
Kin Support Program – Haa Yatix’u Saiani $142,857
Pilot Kinship Navigation wraparound services for Alaskan Native families who have been destabilized by opioid abuse.
Petersburg Medical Center $142,827
Provide opioid use disorder treatment through telepsychiatry services.
Prince of Wales Health Network $142,392
Expand peer support services through additional staff.
Region 7 – Southwest
Bethel Family Clinic $142,847
Expand medicated assisted treatment, connections to care and support people in recovery.
Camai Community Health Center $142,857
Implement Medicaid for Opioid Use Disorder services, counseling, testing and recovery support.
Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Inc. $142,857
Expand culturally responsive substance use disorder/mental health treatment and support services.
Alaska Behavioral Health Association $291,248
Provide training and technical assistance support to the DPH FY25 Opioid Settlement grantees. Award additional subawards to new grantees working on opioid remediation efforts.