What is the Harmony Data System?
The SDS Harmony Data System (Harmony) is a secure web-based data management system. SDS uses it to administer programs, services, and provider certification. Certain certified and enrolled providers may submit documents and/or monitor client case work in Harmony.
Certified and enrolled providers using Harmony:
- Personal Care Services (PCS) Agencies
- Developmental Disability Resource Centers (DDRC)
- Nursing Homes
- Care Coordinators
What do providers need before requesting permission to use Harmony?
- A working knowledge of Protected Health Information (PHI) and how to work with digital and paper documents under HIPAA rules.
- You must be able to open, read, modify, and save changes to documents in the most current versions of Microsoft Word or Open Office, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Your computer must meet certain minimum requirements to access the system. To obtain details, click on the links below:
Get Your Computer Ready for Harmony
- The Google Chrome browser is the only recommended browser for Harmony. There are known issues when Harmony is used in other browsers.
How to Request Permission to use Harmony
Certified and enrolled provider types listed above must identify their Access Coordinator by submitting a current Harmony Access Coordinator Agreement form. Upon receiving permission from SDS, the provider’s Harmony Access Coordinator may then request additional staff permission to use Harmony. All staff must take the following steps to request permission to use Harmony:
- Verify identity by establishing a MyAlaska account with a unique username and password. A professional email address that you check regularly and is only used by you must be used.
- Submit a completed Harmony Security Agreement (Individual User). This includes the Harmony Access Coordinator if they intend to use the system.
- Take the Introduction to Harmony training.
Learn More and Get Help
If you need help with the Harmony System, consider signing up for our frequent training sessions by visiting the SDS Training page.
Please send Harmony Database requests & inquiries to: DSDSHarmonyHelp@alaska.gov
The Harmony Help Box is monitored between 7:00am and 5:30pm Monday through Friday except for state holidays.
Please send Care Coordination related issues to: carecoordinationsupport@alaska.gov
The Harmony and Centralized Reporting undergoes weekly maintenance between 2:00pm and 8:00pm every Sunday. Any unsaved work during this time will not be recoverable. If you need to make a report of harm while the Harmony system is down for maintenance, please refer to website link below for instructions.
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