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Developmental Checklist: 24 - 27 Months

You now have a two-year-old! Two-year-olds are wonderful! They need lots of hugs and smiles. They need you to talk to them. They are learning fast and they do not always have the words to express themselves. Be gentle, quiet and respectful when you talk to them or correct them. They need to feel good about themselves and know that they or special.

Things Your Child May Do At This Age

  • Make simple choices
  • String large beads
  • Hold blunt-edged scissors correctly
  • Scribble and mark with crayons
  • Walk between two straight lines
  • Jump or walk backwards
  • Copy vertical and horizontal lines
  • Cooperate in dressing
  • Verbalize toilet needs
  • Stack blocks – build a tower of 6 to 7 cubes
  • Understand pronouns: I, me, my, mine
  • Talk about things that interest him or her.

Safety Tips

  • Watch your toddler closely. He or she may put all kinds of things into his or her mouth.
  • He or she loves to climb and may fall.

Special Hint!

Your child may not want to sit or listen very long, so plan short activities that will keep his attention. Remember children want to do things on their own. Provide a warning before interrupting activities. Say, “There are a few minutes left to play before nap time.” Avoid fusses by having a few simple rules and by being consistent, kind and firm enforcing those rules.

Health Hints

  • Immunizations at 24 months: Hepatitis A
  • Brush teeth every day

Nutrition Notes

Your child will eat more on some days than on others. One week he or she may pick a favorite food and want to eat it all the time. The next week he or she may hate that same food for no good reason. Just continue to offer him or her healthy food choices.

Things You Can Do Every Day To Help Your Child Grow

  • Give your child an opportunity to make choices whenever possible instead of saying, “Would you like an apple?” say, “Would you like an apple or a banana?” Let your child respond with words – not just by pointing at an object.
  • Provide large sheets or rolls of paper and crayons for drawing and scribbling.
  • Have a pretend party with pretend things to eat.
  • Let her put her own things away, even though it takes longer.
  • Read to him daily. Let him pick out the books he wants to read.
  • Watch what you say and do. Try to set good examples. Remember, your child learns from your actions.
  • Show your child how to fit boxes inside each other. Then let him or her try. Encourage your child to do it their way, even if it is not quite right. Praise his or her efforts!
  • Give your child toys that are moveable, such as: cars, push and pull toys, tricycles, wagons, swings and rocking horses.
  • Teach your child to use words as well as action in dealing with situations. Say, “I know that it made you angry when Janie took your tray. Tell Janie to give it back.” Give your child words that he or she can say to express their feelings so that they won’t just react physically by grabbing, pushing, shoving, hitting, crying, screaming or biting. (It is normal that your child will show some of these behaviors, but teach them to say what they want and to use words when they are unhappy or angry.)