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Nursing Facility Transition/Assisted Living Transition Program

The Nursing Facility Transition (NFT)/ Assisted Living Transition (ALT) program provides individuals currently in a nursing facility, long term care facility, or assisted living home with the opportunity to return to community-based living. This may be the individual’s own home or apartment or the home orapartment of family or friends. NFT/ALT may also help with finding housing or a supportive living environment.

NFT/ALT funds (up to $3500) can cover one-time funds for:

  1. Home or environmental modifications
  2. Travel/room/board to bring caregivers in from a rural community to receive training
  3. Trial trips to home or an assisted living home
  4. Payment for an appropriate worker for skill level needed
  5. Security deposits
  6. One-time initial cleaning of home
  7. Basic furnishings necessary to set up a livable home
  8. Transportation to the new home
  9. Other needed items or services may be approved by Program Coordinators

Program Eligibility

  • Individual is 18 year of age or older.
  • Currently resides and has resided in a nursing facility, long term care facility, or assisted living home for over 90 days or a hospital swing bed for more than 180 days and considers this facility to otherwise be their home.
  • Individual has a desire to live in a setting outside of a nursing, long term care facility, or assisted living home.
  • Has identified a barrier to moving home.
  • Individual needs assistance and supports in the activities of daily living required to be independent in their desired home.
  • The individual is willing to work with Center for Independent Living staff and applicable parties to complete a sustainable transition plan.

Transition Process

  • The individual, legal representative, social worker, family member, or friend initiates a request to develop a transition plan to move home with their local Center for Independent Living (CIL).
  • The local CIL works with the individual, long term care facility discharge planning staff, and any other individuals involved in the transition process to complete the NFT/ALT grant application.
  • CIL Center staff completes a transition plan with full participation of the individual (and/or their legal guardian if appropriate) wishing to transition out of the facility. The CIL will work with the individual to develop a plan for moving home and share the plan with the individual and nursing facility, assisted living facility, or long-term care facility and any applicable parties. A completed and finalized transition plan must be in place prior to any grant purchases being made.
  • Once transition plan is completed and grant is approved, the local CIL makes purchases and assists the individual with accessing other home and community-based services if needed.
  • Individual moves home!
    • CIL staff will follow up with the individual for a minimum of 90 days after a transition. Frequency of contact or status will be determined on an individual basis or as agreed upon by the CIL staff and individual. This time-period may be shortened if it is determined the individual’s goals have been met.

*This process may take 90 days or more to return the individual to a less restrictive setting in the community of their choice

Initiating Transition Services

The individual themselves or person assisting with the discharge plan and transition (care coordinator, case manager, assisted living home provider, long term care facility social worker, family member, friend) must contact the local Center for Independent Living (CIL) and request a Nursing Facility Transition/Assisted Living Transition grant.

Contact your local Center for Independent Living for more information

  • Independent Living Center (Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Valdez/Cordova Regions) 1-800-770-7911 (toll-free)
  • Access Alaska, (Anchorage, Mat-Su, Southwestern, North Slope, Fairbanks, Interior Regions) 1-800-770-4488 (toll-free)
  • Access Alaska, (Fairbanks, Interior, Northern Regions) 1-800-770-7940 (toll-free)
  • Southeast Alaska Independent Living, INC (Southeast Region)1-800-478-7245 (toll-free)
  • Arctic Access, (Kotzebue and Nome Regions) 1-877-442-2393 (toll-free)

Documents older than 25 months can be found on the State of Alaska Library Archives website.​​

If you have any questions about the program, please contact:

Ellen Hackenmueller
Health Program Manager III
Senior & Disabilities Services, Grants Unit Manager
State of Alaska Department of Health & Social Services
PO Box 110680
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0680
Office: 907-465-2995