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Research and Analysis Unit

The Research and Analysis Unit provides information and research and analysis products to state and national stakeholders including representatives of the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services and the Department of Health. The unit specializes in business process development and diagramming, data maintenance, statistical analysis, report writing and publishing, account management for Harmony (division’s database) and training associated with the use of SDS data systems and processes. As an IT liaison, the unit advises the division on technical developments and collaborates with the Department of Health and the Office of Information Technology on a variety of projects.

Please note that Harmony and Centralized Reporting undergoes weekly maintenance between 2:00pm and 8:00pm every Sunday. Any unsaved work during this time will not be recoverable. If you need to make a report of harm while the Harmony system is down for maintenance, please refer to the Centralized Reporting Information page for instructions.

Research and Analysis Unit contacts: