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Employment Committee

Nona Safra, Chair
Samantha Vetter, Staff


People with developmental disabilities will have access to supports, services, programs, and training necessary for successful transitions to adulthood, meaningful work experiences, integrated and competitive employment, as well as career development, across the lifespan.

Committee Chair Vision

“To help individuals with disabilities of all types gain meaningful competitive and integrated employment in their field and community of choice across the lifespan. Meaningful employment to them encompasses transportation, education, environment, and housing across Alaska.” — Travis Noah, Former Committee Chair.


Alaska Work Matters Task Force

In early 2021, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy initiated the formation of the Alaska Work Matters Task Force under the umbrella of the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education (GCDSE) and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (Mental Health Trust). The directors of the state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the GCDSE were named as chair and co-chair, and 22 additional individuals representing state agencies and boards, Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation, Mental Health Trust beneficiaries, employers, and educators were selected to participate.

The purpose of the Task Force was to review and analyze existing policies, practices, and procedures, barriers, and workforce utilization data regarding the employment of people with disabilities in the State of Alaska, and prepare a report that includes recommendations that should be adopted by the Governor and applicable departments, agencies, and commissions of the executive branch, and policy options for consideration by the legislative branch to expand and improve employment opportunities and outcomes for individuals with disabilities. Alaska Work Matters Task Force: Final Report.

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