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Lawyers, Paralegals, and Non-lawyer Advocates

Supported Decision-Making Agreements (SDMAs) are legal documents. Lawyers, paralegals, and non-lawyer advocates can write the agreement, using the template form that is in the Alaska statute or a format that is substantially similar. The person writing the agreement should be trained and should understand the effect of having such an agreement. One recommended process for writing Supported Decision-Making Agreements is outlined here. Listed below are different types of resources for legal professionals who want to offer services to write SDMAs. There are materials for training legal office staff, including webinars, slide presentations, and video demonstrations. There is also a link to the ACLU practical tool kit and guide for lawyers who are writing SDMAs. Other sections on this website have resources that legal professionals can provide to client decision-makers. You can return to Home, or use the shortcut buttons in the left margin of this page to reach the other sections. If supporters need information about their role in supported decision-making, those resources are available, here
