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​​Evidence Based Practices

Evidence Based Practice Continuum Guidelines

The Division of Behavioral Health strongly encourages behavioral health providers in Alaska to implement evidence based practices and effective program models. Beginning in FY 06, the Request for Proposals (RFP) disseminated by DBH placed a stronger and more specific emphasis on funding projects that could demonstrate an evidence base. All program designs were reviewed in the context of the evolving scientific evidence of what works best.

Practices considered for implementation are organized into three categories: evidence-based, emerging promising practices, and values-based practices. While the categories overlap, this framework suggests that the publicly funded behavioral health system has a somewhat different obligation to implement practices in each category. Resource limitations and the unique realities of Alaska may require compromises with the national models.

Client admissions to behavioral health treatment programs are based on the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR 2/ICD-9), and relevant criteria as defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine Client Placement Criteria 2R (ASAM PPC-2R), adolescent, adult, and Opioid maintenance therapy ( Programs must demonstrate that each individual is served with a continuum of care and that client placement decisions are made in a manner that represents the use of DSM-IV-TR 2/ICD-9 and ASAM PPC 2R at intake, movement through treatment and at discharge.