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Child Care Program Office Broadcasts

December 27, 2024

Alaska Announces $7.5 Million in Funding for Child Care Providers ​

The Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is excited to announce the allocation of $7.5 million in funding designed to support licensed home and center-based programs across Alaska. The application process is open now and closes January 17th.

To be eligible for this funding opportunity, child care providers must have a current child care license issued by the State of Alaska Child Care Program Office (CCPO) or Municipality of Anchorage Child Care Licensing Office. Funding will be determined based on the number of licensed providers who apply and number of enrolled and attending children. 

Applications can be found here​ or on the Child Care Program Office website under the For Providers link. Complete applications are due no later than 5:00 p.m. January 17, 2025. 

August 21, 2024

2023 Child Care Provider Market Price Survey Report

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO), in partnership with the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), is pleased to share the 2023 Market Price Survey (MPS) Report.

Child Care Providers participated in the MPS between October and November of 2023.  The MPS final report can be located on thread Alaska’s website at or by navigating to the News section of the website.

The Child Care Provider MPS will be used in addition to the Cost of Child Care Study conducted by McKinley Research Group, recommendations from the Governor’s Task Force on Child Care, Federal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) rule changes effective April 30, 2024, and other new Alaska legislation to inform and revise future Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Rate Schedule Changes.

Proposed CCAP Rate Schedule changes are required to go through the regulatory process, which includes a public comment period and public hearing prior to making changes.  The CCPO will announce opportunities for public comment at a later date, and will continue to share information with the families, child care providers, and partners as decisions are made.

For questions regarding the MPS, you may contact the Child Care Assistance Program Office’s Eligibility and Benefits Team at

January 29, 2024

Applications Open Statewide - Focus on Child Care Grant

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

Reminder: The application period is OPEN for a new child care grant titled: Focus on Child Care Grant: Building Resilience Post Pandemic. The funding for this grant is possible through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Supplemental Fund.

This opportunity is non-competitive and open to receive applications statewide! Additional funding is also available to eligible programs located in the Municipality of Anchorage with a grant from the Municipality of Anchorage’s Assembly and Mayor’s Office.

The CCPO is partnering with thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resource & Referral Network, to administer this grant application. To learn more about this grant visit: Focus on Child Care Grant-Thread

Applications available on thread’s website!

Please note: The application period is January 18th, 2024- February 19, 2024

The following program types are eligible to apply:
  • Licensed Child Care Center
  • Licensed Group Home
  • Licensed Family Child Care
  • Licensed Afterschool/School-age Program
  • Approved Relative or In-Home Care
  • Programs must be open on the date of application and certify they will remain open for three months following receipt of funds.
Not eligible:
  • Programs not licensed through the State of Alaska Child Care Program Office or Municipality of Anchorage.
  • Programs not opened as of February 19th, 2024.
We are pleased that thread will be offering technical assistance for providers during the grant application and award process. Please click here to visit thread’s website for frequently asked questions and resources to help you with your application preparation: Focus on Child Care- FAQ Webpage. Questions can be emailed to

Thank you for your continued commitment to Alaska’s children and families.

Child Care Program Office
Phone (907) 269-4500
Fax (907) 269-4536

November 16, 2023

Child Care Provider Market Price Survey Extended through November 21, 2023

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is committed to continual improvement of the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to increase the availability, affordability, and quality of childcare services. The CCPO evaluates the current state child care rates by conducting a Market Price Survey (MPS) to collect data on prices and the number of filled child care slots at licensed child care facilities. This information is used to set state child care rates and to ensure families participating in the CCAP have access to licensed child care as required by the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan.  The CCDF Plan is the federal grant that provides funding for the following programs:
Child Care Licensing, Child Care Assistance; Child Care Grant; Alaska Inclusive Child Care; and Child Care Resource and Referral.   

For the second year the CCPO is working in partnership with The University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA) Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) to conduct the MPS.  The MPS link was emailed to child care providers on October 3, 2023.  To allow child care providers additional time, the MPS deadline has been extended through the C.O.B. of November 21, 2023.  

We highly encourage child care provider participation in the MPS.  If you have started the survey, but have not completed it, please allow this to serve as a reminder that your survey is incomplete.  You will need the following information to complete the survey: Your facility’s contact information; capacity; attendance/enrollment, fees, rates, and waitlist records for the month of September 2023. If you gather the information before you click on the survey link, the survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

Please call Ashley Schroeder with the University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research 907-786-6727 or email to for any questions about the survey, or for any survey technical assistance. 

If you have questions about this notification, you can call the CCPO using the toll free number 888-268-4632 or 907-269-4500 and request to speak to an Eligibility and Benefits team member.

November 16, 2023

Governor’s Task Force on Child Care - Recommendations and Public Comment Period

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office
The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is sharing information on behalf of the Governor’s Task Force on Child Care. Please visit the Task Force on Child Care website to review the recommendations, provide comment, and to register for the public hearing.
Thank you,
Child Care Program Office
Phone (907) 269-4500
Fax (907) 269-4536

State of Alaska
Task Force on Child Care
Public Comment Opportunity: Deadline 5pm November 27, 2023
The Governor's Task Force on Child Care, per the State of Alaska Administrative Order AO 346, is charged with delivering two reports to the Governor. The first report is due on December 31, 2023, and focuses on background checks, licensing, and workforce. The second report is due on July 31, 2024, and will focus on access, quality, and subsidies.
The Task Force is seeking public comment on preliminary recommendations for inclusion in the December 2023 report.
Written comment can be submitted by clicking on the following link: HERE
All recommendations are listed in the form with text boxes to provide comments on individual recommendations. This document provides a readable version of the recommendations.
November 29, 2023
5:30 to 7:30PM
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Members of the public must register to receive the meeting link.
Register or visit the project website at

June 19, 2023

Child Care Assistance - Municipality of Anchorage Service Delivery Area Office is Moving

Alaska Family Services – Municipality of Anchorage is moving effective July 1, 2023

Alaska Family Services (AFS) - Municipality of Anchorage (MOA), currently located at 1251 Muldoon Rd., Suite 157 Anchorage, AK 99504, is moving locations. All other contact information and office hours will remain the same, with the exception of the week of the move. Effective July 1, 2023 the new address is as follows:

Alaska Family Services - MOA
2525 Gambell St., Suite 220
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: 907-644-5000
Fax: 907-644-5020

AFS MOA provides services to families and child care providers located in Anchorage, Bird Creek, Chugiak, Eagle River, Girdwood, and JBER. The CCAP service delivery area map has been attached to this broadcast. The program does not need anything from families or child care providers for this change to occur.

During the move, AFS MOA will have some office closures, but will be accessible by phone and email. There will also be a drop box available to submit documents. The office schedule during the move will be as follows:

June 27, 2023 – The office will be physically closed and staff actively moving. This will be the last day the drop box will be available at the Muldoon location.

June 28, 2023 through June 30, 2023 – The office will be physically closed and staff actively moving. The drop box will be available at the new location of 2525 Gambell St. Suite 220 Anchorage, AK 99503.

July 3, 2023 – The office will be physically open to the public at the new location of 2525 Gambell St. Suite 220, Anchorage, AK 99503.

If you are not a CCAP participating, or potential CCAP participating family or child care provider residing in the Anchorage service delivery area, please disregard this notification as this change is not applicable to you.

May 2, 2023

Child Care Assistance for the Coastal Service Delivery Area is Moving

Alaska Family Services to provide Services to Families and Providers Effective July 1, 2023
Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is pleased to announce that Alaska Family Services (AFS) Central, located in Wasilla, will assume responsibility for the administration of the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) for the CCAP Coastal Service Delivery area.

Effective July 1, 2023 CCAP participating families and child care providers residing in the Coastal CCAP service delivery area will discontinue communication with the Division of Public Assistance (DPA) Long-Term Care unit, including the virtual call center.  The new contact information for this service delivery area is as follows:

Alaska Family Services
777 N. Crusey St. Suite B201
Wasilla, AK 99654
Phone: (907) 373-4450
Toll-free: (866) 746-4080
Fax: (907) 373-4468
Toll-free fax: (888) 415-6868

The CCAP service delivery area map has been attached to this broadcast to identify the coastal area. The program does not need anything from families or child care providers for this change to occur.

If you are not a CCAP participating, or potential CCAP participating family or child care provider residing in the coastal service delivery area, please disregard this notification as this change is not applicable to you.

Should you have questions about this broadcast, please contact the Child Care Program Office at or at 907-269-4500 and request to speak to a member of the Eligibility and Benefits Team.

April 11, 2023

Child Care Relief Funding Update

Stabilization Grants and Plan for Relief Funding

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

CCPO is pleased to share the attached documents that provide updated details regarding federal Relief Funds granted to Alaska through the Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The attachments outline Alaska’s spending strategies and timelines across four categories:

  • Improve affordability & subsidy program
  • Increase access to licensed care
  • Increase supports for quality improvement
  • Infrastructure

The Spending Plan: Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act & American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is an overview of the spending categories and potential strategies. The Alaska COVID-19 Relief Funds – Timeline as of April 2023 document identifies details about each funding stream including guidance and requirements. The Planning Update: Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act & American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 document provides a preliminary view of obligations and spending thus far and projections for use of the remaining funds. Our planning tools reflect a point-in-time analysis and are subject to change throughout the implementation process.

The close of Phase 3 marks the completion of ARPA Stabilization Fund spending. The Child Care Stabilization Fast Facts document gives and overview of how those funds impacted Child Care Providers in the State of Alaska since they were awarded to Alaska in 2021.

The Phase 1 and Phase 2 Child Care Stabilization Grant Reports have been prepared by thread and can be found on their website: Stabilizing Child Care for a Thriving Alaska. Phase 3 application and distribution processes are now complete as of March 31, with a final Stabilization Grant Report coming soon from thread. 

We sincerely thank you for your continuing commitment to Alaska’s children and families.

February 6, 2023

Child Care Assistance Program Request for Payment

Reminders for Participating Child Care Providers

Billing for Sick Days, Notice Days, and Registration Fees
Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) has seen an increase in errors made on Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Request for Payment forms with regard to sick days, notice days, and registration fees.  This is a friendly reminder to assist both child care providers and the CCPO.  Billing instructions are also provided on the second page of billing forms.  Additionally, the online billing training is always available to anyone who would like a refresher.  This training can be accessed by visiting the CCPO website, selecting Resources and Reports, and under Child Care Provider Billing Training, select Child Care Provider Billing Training Instructions, which also provides the link to the training.  All CCAP forms can also be accessed on this website under Child Care Forms.

Sick Days

SI = Sick days on the CCAP Request for Payment CC78 form and CCAP Amended Request for Payment CC79 form.  Sick days can only be used for school aged children.  Those are children who attend Kindergarten and higher, but who attended child care instead of school when they were too sick to attend school.  Sick days are not to be used for children who are absent from child care.

Any number of days a child is in care due to being too sick to attend school are to be included in the “SI” section. The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) will pay for up to five (5) full days for a child who normally attends school. Sick days are added as full days in addition to the full month or part month calculation.

Notice Days

N = Notice Days on the CCAP Request for Payment CC78 form and CCAP Amended Request for Payment CC79 form.  Notice days refer to the 10-business day notice a family or child care provider gives to notify the other party that they will be ending child care services.  If a 10-business day written notice was not provided prior to ending care, 10 days are to be applied.  Enter the number of days under section “N” in which the child did not attend care during the notice period, not to exceed 10.  This is separate from the child’s regular attendance days on the forms.  If a child has been authorized for a full month enrollment, but does not attend care during the notice month, care will be paid at the part month rate.

Registration Fees

Reg Fee = Registration Fee on the CCAP Request for Payment CC78 form and CCAP Amended Request for Payment CC79 form. The CCAP will pay a maximum of $50, one time per calendar year during a month a child was in care.  Child Care Providers must bill the CCAP to be paid for the registration fee.  When billing for a registration fee, write Yes in the “Reg Fee” section.  Please do not list a dollar amount in this section.   

Should you have questions about how to complete a Request for Payment CC78 form or Amended Request for Payment CC79 form or questions about this information, please contact the CCPO and request to speak to a member of the Accounting

Thank you,

Child Care Program Office

Phone: (907) 269-4500
Fax: (907) 269-4536

January 17, 2023

Child Care Assistance Program Discontinuation of Co-Pay Waiver

December 2022 - Final month for waiver of Family Co-pays

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) realized savings because of decreased child care attendance during the pandemic. Accordingly, the CCPO waived family co-payments (co-pays) for the months of October and December 2020, January and February 2021, June through December 2021, and January through December 2022. The final notice of continuation of co-pay waiver was sent to child care families and providers in August of 2022.

Due to recent inquiries, the CCPO is notifying families and child care providers that waiver of co-pays will not be continued beyond the service month of December 2022. Families are responsible for payment of their CCAP co-pay to their child care provider along with any other child care provider charges not covered by the CCAP.

If you have questions about the information in this broadcast, please contact the CCPO’s Eligibility and Benefits Team at or 907-269-4500.

January 9, 2023

Child Care Relief Funding Update

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

CCPO is pleased to share the attached relief funding spending strategies and timeline for the use of federal funding through the Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The attachments outline funding strategies in four categories:

  • Improve affordability & subsidy program
  • Increase access to licensed care
  • Increase supports for quality improvement
  • Infrastructure

The spending plan and timeline provide a preliminary view of spending thus far and projections for use of the remaining funds. Our planning tools reflect a point-in-time analysis and are subject to change throughout the implementation process.

The Phase 1 and Phase 2 Child Care Stabilization Grant Reports have been prepared by thread and can be found on their website: Stabilizing Child Care for a Thriving Alaska. Phase 3 applications are closed, and awards will be distributed in early 2023.

We sincerely thank you for your continuing commitment to Alaska’s children and families.

December 13, 2022

Child Care Assistance Program Regulation Changes Effective January 1, 2023

Child Care Assistance Program Regulations 7 AAC 41 adopted by law

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is pleased to announce the proposed changes to the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Regulations 7 AAC 41 have been adopted by law for implementation effective January 1, 2023. These include changes to the CCAP Rate Schedule, Family Income and Contribution Schedule, and family temporary and non-temporary changes.

As a reminder, the CCAP requires child care providers provide families with at least a 30-day written notice of any rate increases, and rate increases are made effective the 1st of the month following the 30-day notice timeframe. 

If you have questions about the information provided in this broadcast notice, please contact the CCAP Policy Mailbox at, or 907-269-4500 and request to speak to a team member of the Eligibility and Benefits Team.

October 25, 2022

Child Care Relief Funding- Phase 3 Update

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Phase 3 - Child Care Stabilization Grant program application will be available on Tuesday, November 1st. The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is partnering with thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resource & Referral Network, to administer the third and final phase of grants. Application will be available on November 1st on thread’s website.

The application for this phase will remain open for only 30 days.

What’s New for Phase 3?

  • Workforce Initiative: for eligible programs interested in investing in workforce supports. This will be an opt in portion for additional grant funding. This additional amount must be spent on the “personnel costs” category of allowable uses. For more information on allowable uses of stabilization grant funds visit the Office of Child Care.
  • Additional Location Based Funding Opportunities:
    • For Child Care programs in the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) additional funding is available supported by a grant from the Municipality of Anchorage's Assembly and Mayor's Office.
    • For Child Care programs in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley additional funding is available made possible by a grant from the Mat-Su Health Foundation.
    • The additional funding amounts vary.
  • As stated above, the application for phase 3 will remain open for only 30 days.

Stabilization Grant Reminders:

  • Eligibility is based on federal guidelines and is available to providers that:
  • (1) are licensed Child Care providers who are open or temporarily closed due to COVID-19 and planning to reopen OR
  • (2) are approved (Relative or In-Home) Child Care providers on or before March 11, 2021, and still approved at the time of application.
  • Amount: Phase 3 will use approximately $24 million remaining in ARPA Stabilization funds, this includes funding for the workforce initiative.
  • The formula will be based on licensed capacity, per child and will be finalized after the application period ends to ensure the complete amount of the remaining funds are used.
  • Application: The CCPO has worked with thread to develop an application that is easy to use and meets federal requirements. Program owners or administrators can begin preparing the following information for use on the Phase 3 application:
  • Program information (legal business name, ICCIS number, mailing address, etc.)
  • Program license- Please have your license handy.
  • Current enrollment and desired capacity numbers
  • Intended use of Phase 3 Stabilization Grant Funds. Please refer to the Office of Child Care for more information on the acceptable uses of stabilization grant funds.
  • W-9 – completed and signe

thread will answer questions and provide technical assistance for the grant application process for all providers. Resources to support you in helping to complete your application will be available soon. Please refer to thread’s website for more information. Application questions can also be emailed to

September 22, 2022

CCPO Returning to CCAP Payment Processing in ICCIS and the Prescribed Request for Payment CC78 form Effective October 1, 2022

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

As a result of the May 2021 Cyber Attack, the Child Care Program Office (CCPO) implemented work arounds for family eligibility and determinations, benefit issuance, and benefit payments.  This included implementation of a temporary Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Request for Payment CC78T form for use by child care providers while the CCPO’s main child care system, the Integrated Child Care Information System (ICCIS) was unavailable for CCAP payment processing.

The CCPO is pleased to announce that ICCIS case clean-up has been completed, which will allow the CCPO to return to ICCIS for CCAP payment processing.  In order to make this transition, the CC78T will be discontinued effective October 1, 2022, beginning with the service month of September 2022.  This means child care providers will return to using the CCPO prescribed CC78 form (rev 07/19). The form is located under the Forms section of the CCPO’s website.

If you complete the CC78 form manually, please access it from the CCPO’s website going forward as forms are revised to ensure you have the most recent version.  If you use the electronic CCG/CCAP combined workbook, the correct workbook to use has also been attached. Additionally child care providers will be able to review individual payments per family and child using the IRIS vendor portal.

If you have questions about the information in this broadcast, please contact the CCPO’s Eligibility and Benefits Team at or 907-269-4500.

September 21, 2022

Child Care Assistance: Waiver of Co-Pay Announcement

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) have realized savings because of decreased child care attendance during the pandemic. Accordingly, the Child Care Program Office waived family co-payments (co-pays) for the months of October and December 2020, January and February 2021, June through December 2021, and January through September 2022.

The CCPO is pleased to announce that it will continue to waive co-pays for the service months of October through December 2022 for families who have been issued a State of Alaska Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Authorization.

The amount paid by the CCPO will be the co-pay amount listed on the family’s authorization document for each service month of care. Child care providers may continue to collect from families any amounts in excess of the reimbursable rate and co-pays paid by the CCPO.

When child care providers submit their monthly CCAP Request for Payment forms, the CCPO automatically will pay the monthly co-pay amount at the same time. Child care providers do not need to submit any additional documentation.

Co-pays will not be paid to child care providers in situations in which a child did not attend at least one day of care in the service month for which they are requesting payment.

If you have questions about the information in this broadcast, please contact the CCPO’s Eligibility and Benefits Team at or 907-269-4500.

July 14, 2022

Child Care Assistance: Regulation and Public Hearing Information

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Department of Health proposes to adopt regulation changes in Title 7 of the Alaska Administrative Code, dealing with the Child Care Assistance Program, including the following:

  • Article 1. Administrative Provisions, 7 AAC 41. Program rates, is proposed to be changed as follows: revise the Child Care Assistance Program Rate Schedule rates related to the maximum state payment to a child care provider.
  • Article 3. Provisions for Family, 7 AAC 41.310 - .335, is proposed to be changed as follows:
    • clarify the cessation of an eligible activity;
    • amend time limit for absence from an eligible activity; and
    • revise the Family Income and Contribution Schedule.


This information can also be found on the State of Alaska Online Public Notices website.

You may comment on the regulation changes, including the potential costs to private persons of complying with the changes, by submitting written comments to Ms. Nicole Fritz, State of Alaska, Department of Health, Child Care Program Office, Division of Public Assistance, 3601 C Street, Suite 140, Anchorage, AK 99503. Additionally, the Department of Health will accept comments by electronic mail at The comments must be received not later than 5 p.m. on August 31, 2022.

Public Hearing Information:

You may provide oral comments relevant to the proposed action via telephone at the hearing to be held on August 18, 2022, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., by calling 1-800-909-4578 (toll free). Please note that in-person attendance will not be permitted at the hearing site because of the public health and safety concerns associated with the COVID – 19 pandemic. Please prepare to share your oral comments by telephone only. If you call to provide oral testimony, you should be on the line before the hearing begins at 1 p.m. (TIME). The Department of Health will give priority to those who call in before 2 p.m. (TIME). The Department of Health may, before the hearing begins, limit the time allotted for each person providing oral testimony. The time limit may be necessary to conclude the hearing in the time provided.

For further questions about this broadcast, please contact the CCPO by phone 907-269-4500, fax 907-269-4536, or email

July 7, 2022

Child Care Assistance: Regulation Update

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

In 2021 the Child Care Program Office (CCPO) held informational meetings on the results of the 2020/2021 Market Rate Surveys and proposed child care assistance program rate schedule. These are the rates paid to Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) participating child care providers on behalf of families receiving CCAP benefits.

This month, the CCPO will be transitioning to the newly appointed Department of Health (DOH). As a result of the Departmental change, all regulatory activities have been on hold until after July 5, 2022. This hold also applies to the regulation package for the proposed changes to the Child Care Assistance Program Rate Schedule and Family Income and Contribution Schedule. The public comment period and oral hearing will occur after regulatory activities resume. The CCPO is unable to provide dates at this time.

Thank you for your continued commitment to Alaska’s children and families and we look forward to updating the public more as we move through the process.

June 28, 2022

Child Care Relief Funding Update

Stabilization Grants and Plan for Relief Funding
Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

CCPO is pleased to share the attached relief funding spending strategies and timeline for the use of federal funding through the Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The attachments outline funding strategies in four categories:

  • Improve affordability & subsidy program
  • Increase access to licensed care
  • Increase supports for quality improvement
  • Infrastructure

The spending plan and timeline provide a preliminary view of spending thus far and projections for use of the remaining funds. Our planning tools reflect a point-in-time analysis and are subject to change throughout the implementation process.

The Phase 1 Child Care Stabilization Grant Report has been prepared by thread and can be found on their website: Stabilizing Child Care for a Thriving Alaska.

We sincerely thank you for your continuing commitment to Alaska’s children and families.

December 15, 2021

Child Care Relief Funding Update

Stabilization Grants and Town Hall Meetings, Plan for Relief Funding

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) plans to open Phase 2 stabilization grant applications in January with at least $15 million in funding for providers based on licensed capacity.

Our next virtual Town Hall meetings are scheduled on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to provide details about Phase 2 for providers and gather feedback on the full funding plan. Details will follow in a separate broadcast.

CCPO is pleased to share the attached relief funding spending strategies and timeline for the use of federal funding through the Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The attachments outline funding strategies in four categories:

  • Improve affordability & subsidy program
  • Increase access to licensed care
  • Increase supports for quality improvement
  • Infrastructure

The spending plan and timeline provide a preliminary view of spending thus far and projections for use of the remaining funds. Our planning tools reflect a point-in-time analysis and are subject to change throughout the implementation process.

We sincerely thank you for your continuing commitment to Alaska’s children and families and wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

September 10, 2021

2020-2021 Market Price Survey Report - Draft CCAP Rate Schedule

Register to attend a Zoom Meeting to review and discuss on 9/14/21 or 9/15/21

Update 09/30/2021

Market Price Survey Informational Zoom meetings provided by the Child Care Program Office, hosted by thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resources and Referral (CCR&R) Network were recently held and recorded, but we are not able to post them publicly at this time. If you are interested in viewing either the September 14th or 15th webinars, you may request recordings by contacting the Child Care Program Office’s Eligibility and Benefits Team at

Update 09/10/2021

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is pleased to provide the attached Market Price Survey Report Executive Summary. To view the Market Price Survey and Draft CCAP Rate Schedule, please visit

Our last update shared opportunities to meet with Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) to review the report and discuss the draft CCAP Rate Schedule. You’re welcome to join us at one of the Zoom meetings hosted by thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resources and Referral (CCR&R) Network:

Please email our office with any questions for the meeting by September 13th at CCPO and ISER will attempt to answer these questions during the presentation and provide time for others following the presentation. CCPO and thread will post answers to Frequently Asked Questions on our websites, along with the recordings of the meetings, during the week of September 20, 2021.

Registrants can contact Cassie Hulse at thread with any questions, requests for accommodation, or technical support at 907-265-3100 (Alaska Relay 7-1-1).

Thank you,

Child Care Program Office
Division of Public Assistance
Phone 907-269-4500
Fax 907-269-4536

September 1, 2021

Child Care System Federal Disaster Relief Funding

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Assistance Program

Update 09/01/2021

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is pleased to announce that the application for Phase 1 - Child Care Stabilization Grants is now open!

The CCPO is partnering with thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resource & Referral Network, to administer the first phase of stabilization grants. Applications are now available on thread’s website.

The CCPO has a goal of full participation from eligible providers during Phase 1 of the Child Care Stabilization Grant. We are pleased that thread will be offering technical assistance for providers during the grant application and award process. Please refer to thread’s application help page for helpful resources including instructional videos, frequently asked questions, and more. Questions can be emailed to

Thank you for your continued commitment to Alaska’s children and families.

For further questions about this broadcast, please contact the CCPO by phone 907-269-4500, fax 907-269-4536, or email

Accommodation available upon request. TDD/Alaska Relay 7-1-1.

August 27, 2021

Child Care System Federal Disaster Relief Funding

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Assistance Program

Update 08/27/2021

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is pleased to provide advance notice that Phase 1 - Child Care Stabilization Grants will open in the first week of September 2021. Although we anticipated that grants would be available sooner, the department is still recovering from a cyberattack this spring which limited access to our online systems and information.* The CCPO is partnering with thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resource & Referral Network, to administer the first phase of stabilization grants. Applications will be available on thread’s website at An overview of the eligibility and application process follows for this disaster relief funding opportunity.

As you may recall from previous updates, the division and CCPO have been active in planning the use of federal stimulus funding received through the Coronavirus Relief Response and Relief Act and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Under ARPA, the division received approximately $73 million, of which $45 million is set aside for child care provider stabilization to support expenses related to COVID-19, including operational, personnel, supplies and equipment, technology, mental health supports, and other items.

The child care stabilization grant process will include multiple grant opportunities for providers. Phase 1 awards $5 million to providers to maintain operations at a safe/desired capacity during the pandemic. Results from the first phase will provide a baseline for subsequent phases for longer-term stabilization, and the CCPO will monitor data such as the frequency and amount of payments, etc. Notably, stabilization grants do not require repayment from providers.

The CCPO has a goal of full participation from eligible providers during Phase 1. We are pleased that thread will be available to offer technical assistance for providers during the grant application and award process. Applicants may consider the following:

  • Eligibility is based on federal guidelines and is for providers that:
    • (1) are licensed child care providers who are open or temporarily closed due to COVID-19 and planning to reopen OR
    • (2) are approved (Relative or In-Home) child care providers on or before March 11, 2021 and still approved at the time of application.
  • Amount awarded in Phase 1 will range from $5,500 to $11,500, and are based on provider licensed capacity. The goal of this first phase of funding is to provide immediate relief to providers, which will be followed by additional funding to support long-term stabilization.
  • Application: the CCPO has worked with thread to develop an application that is easy to use and meets federal requirements. Program owners or administrators can begin preparing the following information for use on the Phase 1 application:
      • Licensed capacity number and desired capacity number
      • Total monthly program expenses - the sum of all program expenses, including:
        • Mortgage/rent
        • Utilities
        • Personnel (wages, benefits)
        • Insurance
        • Family support
        • Supplies
        • Food
        • Materials
      • Intended use of stabilization funding
      • W-9 - completed and signed

Notice of the application start date will be sent in a follow up broadcast. Please refer to thread’s website regularly for updates and information related to this process at

The Division of Public Assistance appreciates all the care and effort providers are making during this challenging time and will continue to support you as you support children and families. Thank you for your patience and input during the planning phase. We apologize for the delay as we recover from the cyberattack.

For further questions about this broadcast, please contact the CCPO by phone 907-269-4500, fax 907-269-4536, or email

* Please see the department's August 4, 2021 Press Release and Frequently Asked Questions.

August 2, 2021

Market Price Survey Report Update

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is updating stakeholders on the status of the Market Price Survey Report that is expected for release within the coming month. We appreciate all the interest and contributions and look forward to sharing information about the report through public meetings in September.

July 30, 2021

Child Care Assistance Program and Child Care Grant Program stand-alone forms, the combined workbook and submissions for payment revised for use effective August 1, 2021

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) has revised the stand-alone CC14 Child Care Grant (CCG) Attendance Report form and instructions. The reason for these changes is that children in Office of Children’s Services (OCS) protective services are now authorized and issued Child Care Assistance benefits in the State’s Child Care Assistance Program system under the PASS category PASS IV.

When completing the CC14 CCG Attendance Report form, child care providers will no longer identify the child as “O” under Authorization Type. Instead, all children receiving PASS I, II, III, and IV Child Care Assistance will be identified as “C” for CCAP authorization. Children under the PASS IV category must also be included on the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) CC78 Request for Payment form and CCAP CC79 Amended Request for Payment form. When completing the CC78 or CC79 the child’s name is to be listed as both the parent and child’s name for PASS IV.

Due to the current unavailability of the CCPO’s website, the forms, instructions, and recorded instructional video are not accessible. They will be added to the CCPO’s website when the website is accessible again.

All CCG and CCAP billing forms for PASS I, II, III, and IV, whether you use the combined Excel workbook or manually complete the stand-alone forms, must be submitted to the CCPO in this new format effective August 1, 2021 beginning with the service month of July 2021.

All completed and signed CCG and CCAP forms must be submitted to the CCPO by any of the following:

Fax: 907-269-4536 / Toll Free: 888-224-4536;
Scanned and emailed:; or
Mail or in person drop box: 3601 C St. Suite 140 Anchorage, AK 99503