Adult Protective Services (APS)
We are here to help you. Our services are voluntary.
We will not force you to move or do anything against your own will. We are here to help you live in a safe and healthy environment and receive the services you need. Please contact our office if you need help or have any questions. 907-269-3666.
COVID-19 has created special concerns for our vulnerable family and friends. Refer to the
COVID-19 toolkit for infomation and resources.

File a REPORT of HARM or ask for help
- Adult Protective Services helps to prevent or stop harm from occurring to vulnerable adults. Alaska law requires that protective services not interfere with the elderly or disabled adults who are capable of caring for themselves.
- Alaska law defines
vulnerable adults as a person 18 years of age or older who, because of incapacity, mental illness, mental deficiency, physical illness or disability, advanced age, chronic use of drugs, chronic intoxication, fraud, confinement, or disappearance, is unable to meet the person’s own needs or to seek help without assistance.
Below are examples of things to report:
The harm they suffer may result from abandonment, abuse, exploitation, neglect or self-neglect.
ABANDONMENT is the desertion of a vulnerable adult by a caregiver.
ABUSE is the intentional, knowing, or reckless non-accidental, non-therapeutic infliction of pain, injury, mental or emotional distress, or fear, including coercion and intimidation, and sexual assault.
EXPLOITATION is the unjust or improper use of another person or another person’s resources for one’s own profit or advantage, with or without the person’s consent and includes acts by a person who stands in a position of trust or confidence with a vulnerable adult or who knows or should know that the vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent that involve obtaining profit or advantage through undue influence, deception, fraud, intimidation, or breach of fiduciary duty.
NEGLECT is the intentional knowing or reckless failure by a caregiver to provide essential care or services or access to essential care or services to carry out a prescribed treatment plan necessary to maintain the physical and mental health of the vulnerable adult when the vulnerable adult is unable to provide or obtain the essential care or services or to carry out the prescribed treatment plan on the vulnerable adult’s own behalf; in this paragraph, “essential care or services” includes food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and supervision.
SELF-NEGLECT is the act or omission by a vulnerable adult that results, or could result, in the deprivation of essential services necessary to maintain minimal mental, emotional, or physical health and safety.
UNDUE INFLUENCE means the use by a person who stands in a position of trust or confidence of the person’s role, relationship, or authority to wrongfully exploit the trust, dependency, or fear of a vulnerable adult to gain control over the decision making of the vulnerable adult, including decision making related to finances, property, residence, and health care.
Who are
mandated reporters required to make a Report of Harm?
- Licensed health care providers; Mental health professionals; Teachers or other education staff; Pharmacists; Nursing home, residential care, and health facility administrators; Home health aides and emergency medical services personnel; Law enforcement personnel; Village Public Safety Officers (VPSO); Guardians and conservators; Village health aides; Social workers; Clergy ; Caregiver for the vulnerable adult; and employees of service grant agencies funded by the Department of Administration for the provision of services to older Alaskans, the Department of Health, and the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault are “mandated reporters.
- An administrator or employee of a nursing home, residential care, or health care facility; an educator or administrative staff member of a public or private educational institution.
What must be reported to Adult Protective Services?
- Any incident in which a vulnerable adult suffers harm from abandonment, abuse, exploitation, neglect or self-neglect.
Information on REPORTING
To Whom Should Reports be Made?
- Reports should be made to Adult Protective Services within 24 hours.
How is Confidentiality Protected?
- Investigatory reports and reports of the abandonment, abuse, exploitation, neglect and self-neglect of a vulnerable adult are confidential and are not subject to public inspection and copying.
- Investigative reports may be used by appropriate agencies or individuals inside and outside of the state in connection with investigations or judicial proceeding involving the abandonment, abuse, exploitation, neglect or self neglect of a vulnerable adult.
- Individuals who file a Report of Harm with Adult Protective Services shall remain confidential. Reports may also be made anonymously.
Is there Immunity from Liability?
- Alaska Statute 47.24.120 states that persons who make reports to Adult Protective Services in good faith are immune from liability and protected by law from retaliation.
How to make a Report of Harm on a vulnerable adult:
- You may call to report suspected abuse
of a vulnerable adult to 1-800-478-9996. -

Partner Agencies
General Relief Assistance
Adult Protective Services
1835 Bragaw Street, Suite 350
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: 907-269-3666
1-800-478-9996 (in state only)