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Service Providers and
Care Coordinators

Service providers and care coordinators can facilitate supported decision-making by helping people make a plan for the support that they want. One recommended process for writing Supported Decision-Making Agreements (SDMAs) is outlined here. Listed below are different types of resources for professionals who want to offer services to help people create SDMAs. There are materials for training professional staff and care coordinators, including webinars, slide presentations, and video demonstrations. There are also interview tools that can be used to guide inquiry and discussion with decision-makers about their choices. If supporters need information about their role in supported decision-making, there are those resources in the links, below.

Share the guides and other tools with the decision-maker and download or print the one that you both think will be the most helpful for writing a profile of the person’s life goals, current decision-making, and choices about future decision-making.


Training Material

New and Improved DSP SDMA Training


Video Content in the following four videos are role-playing scenarios intended to simulate the process of working through the SDMA process; made available for informational and educational purposes only. The events, characters and agencies depicted in these videos are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or any actual agency is purely coincidental.
Developing Supported Decision-Making Agreements; Overview of Best Practices

Cast: Ian Miner, Stanson Afoa, Mallory Hamilton and Ken Helander.
Video Content in the following four videos are role-playing scenarios intended to simulate the process of working through the SDMA process; made available for informational and educational purposes only. The events, characters and agencies depicted in these videos are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or any actual agency is purely coincidental.