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vv Suicide, Mental Health and Related Issues in Alaska Native and American Indian Populations

Alaska Center for Rural Health
The Alaska Center for Rural Health is a private, non-profit corporation housed within the Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies. Provides information, coordination, technical assistance and professional development to health providers and systems in Alaska.

Alaska Federation of Natives
Health & Sobriety / Wellness
The mission of AFN is to enhance and promote the cultural, economic and political voice of the entire Alaska Native community. AFN's major goals include those to: Foster and encourage preservation of Alaska Native cultures and promote and advocate for programs and systems which instill pride and confidence in individual Alaska Natives.

Alaska Health Education Consortium
The Alaska Health Education Consortium is a statewide organization comprised of persons interested in promoting health and preventing disease and premature death in Alaska through education and prevention efforts. It serves as a forum for professional networking in health education and prevention, provides opportunities for continuing education for members, provides leadership for the advancement of health education and prevention efforts in Alaska.

Alaska Native Knowledge Network
A resource for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing sponsored by Alaska Federation of Natives; University of Alaska; National Science Foundation; and Alaska Department of Education. It has been established to assist Native people, government agencies, educators and the general public in gaining access to the knowledge base that Alaska Natives have acquired through cumulative experience over millennia.

Alaska Native Health Board
The Alaska Native Health Board (ANHB), established in 1968, is recognized as the statewide voice on Alaska Native health issues. The purpose of the Alaska Native Health Board is to promote the spiritual, physical, mental, social, and cultural well-being and pride of Alaska Native people.

American Indian and Alaska Native Health: Current Bibliographies in Medicine
National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine
Bibliography of 2050 medicine-related citations, January 1990 through September 1996. Section on mental health and mental disorders includes references on suicide among Alaska Natives.

Arctic Health
National Library of Medicine: Behavioral Health Issues
The Arctic Health web site is sponsored by the National Library of Medicine's Division of Specialized Information Services. Its aim is to provide a central source of information on diverse aspects of the Arctic environment and the health of Northern peoples. Links are provided to major web resources on Arctic health and environment, both in general and by specific subject, and current articles are retrievable from the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database.

Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
The CAAS mission is to help reduce substance abuse in the state of Alaska through education, research, and public service activities. CAASs research activities are directed at actively stimulating and coordinating interdisciplinary and collaborative studies, and promoting scientific interchanges of alcohol- and drug-related information.

Circles of Care
The Circles of Care project vision is to provide comprehensive, culturally appropriate mental health services to Alaska Native children dealing with serious emotional disturbances (SED) by encircling them with full support and access to necessary resources. One of the first tasks will be to redefine SED in terms that are more meaningful to Alaska Native peoples; such as 'children and families in trauma' , 'children with severe problems', or 'children with wounded spirit'. We will be serving Fairbanks and up to 33 interior Athabascan villages.

Indian Country Today
Since 1981, Indian Country Today has been a persuasive voice in Native American journalism, leading the way with definitive reporting, incisive analysis and pointed commentary. Type “suicide” or “suicide prevention” in the Search engine for related articles.

Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies
The mission of ICHS is to improve the health of peoples of Alaska and other circumpolar areas through instruction, information services, and basic and applied research in health and medicine. Within the University of Alaska, the Institute provides support and coordination for health research, information, and training. ICHS research agenda includes epidemiologic studies of population health problems, studies of health services need, access and utilization, and evaluation of health policy and the effectiveness of new programs.

National Center for American Indian and Alaska Mental Health Research
The National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (NCAIANMHR), a program in the Department of Psychiatry, is one of four minority mental health research Centers. The NCAIANMHR is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health and is the only program of this type in the country focusing specifically on American Indian and Alaska Native populations.

Peer Outreach Program
(no web site)
The Peer Outreach Program acts as a walking referral, informing youth of the Anchorage Bowl community about the various agencies and resources available to them. We conduct "street outreach" at locations where youth gather such as malls, transit centers, recreation centers and parks. Peer Outreach also conducts educational and risk reduction groups at local agencies in Anchorage. We encourage all youth to call us regarding their questions about referrals. Every Tuesday at the downtown transit center at 6th Ave & H street, in collaboration with the municipal public health nurses we provide HIV & STD testing, pregnancy tests, pelvic exams, and birth control methods to teenagers free of charge from 2:30 - 5:30pm.

Surgeon General’s Report
Native American Indians (and Mental Health Services)

Based in Canada, Visions is a "Centre of Innovation" committed to developing and communicating a deeper understanding of Aboriginal population health. Aboriginal identity, traditions, culture and relationship patterns are integrated in the delivery of the Visions mandate. Website is searchable includes information on health promotions, communications, activities and events, and research.

Youth Suicide Prevention Education Program
Minority Groups: Native American/Alaska Native
Site offers brief summary information on suicide among Native Americans/Alaskan Natives.
