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vv National Suicide Prevention Plans

Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
Reviews scientific advances in the study of mental health and of mental illnesses that affect at least one in five Americans. A variety of treatments of well-documented efficacy exist for the array of clearly defined mental and behavioral disorders that occur across the life span. Every person should be encouraged to seek help when questions arise about mental health, just as each person is encouraged to seek help when questions arise about health. Research highlighted in the report demonstrates that mental health is a facet of health that evolves throughout the lifetime. Just as each person can do much to promote and maintain overall health regardless of age, each also can do much to promote and strengthen mental health at every stage of life.

National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP) represents the combined work of advocates, clinicians, researchers and survivors around the nation. It lays out a framework for action to prevent suicide and guides development of an array of services and programs that must be developed. It is designed to be a catalyst for social change with the power to transform attitudes, policies, and services. The site includes suicide facts, fact sheets, and other resources.

Surgeon General’s Call to Action To Prevent Suicide 1999
The Surgeon General’s Call To Action introduced a blueprint for addressing suicide—Awareness, Intervention, and Methodology, or AIM. AIM included 15 key recommendations that were refined from consensus and evidence-based findings presented at the Reno conference. These recommendations and their supporting conceptual framework were essential steps toward the comprehensive National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

Reducing Suicide: A National Imperative (2002)
Funded by CDC, the Institute of Medicine report contains four recommendations from The Committee on Pathophysiology and Prevention of Adolescent and Adult Suicide which examined the state of the science base, gaps in our knowledge, strategies for prevention, and research designs for the study of suicide. The report reflects different perspectives and levels of analysis. The project was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the Veterans Administration.

State Plans

State Plans for Suicide Prevention
Web site is central location for available current information on suicide prevention plans across the United States. Includes links to state plans, as well as additional sources of information on suicide prevention.

International Suicide Prevention Plans

National Stragegy for Suicide Prevention links to Suicide Prevention Plans around the world.