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​​vv National Youth Suicide Prevention and Related Organizations

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Sometimes it feels as though your struggle is being underestimated by your age. But we hear you, and help is available.

Jason Foundation, Inc.
The Jason Foundation, Inc. makes informative, educational materials and programs available to parents, teachers, youth workers and others who are concerned about the “alarming statistics that link our country’s next generations and suicide.”

National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
Children's Safety Network (CSN)
Focuses on unintentional injury and violence-related injury to children living in rural communities. Assists MCH state agencies and others to address childhood injuries. Services include product development, technical assistance, and consultation. Funded by the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center
Children's Safety Network (CSN)
Education Development Center, Inc.
Assists maternal and child health state agencies develop adolescent violence prevention programs and improve current prevention efforts. Services include production of materials, providing technical assistance, conducting site visits, and workshops. Funded by the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration.

National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
A central source of information on prevention and intervention programs, publications, research, and statistics on violence committed by and against children and teens. The resource center is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal agencies. The web site and call center, 1-866-SAFEYOUTH (723-3968), serve as a user-friendly, single point of access to federal information on youth violence prevention and suicide.

SMILE (Students Mastering Important Lifeskills Education)
Lifeskills programs, proactive programs, positive solutions to emotional pain, and suicide awareness/prevention programs. Pamphlets, videos, books, a website, "Help Card", and other media for individuals under 25.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project promotes tolerance for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender and questioning youth, and aids in suicide prevention among that group. Statistics have shown that gay teens are three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, and The Trevor Project hopes, through its efforts, to prevent some of those tragedies from occurring. (Hotline 1-800-850-8078)

To leverage the anonymity of the Internet and its popularity among young adults, the Jed Foundation created, a Web-based resource to provide students with a nonthreatening and supportive link to their respective college's mental health center as well as important mental health information. Students are able to download information about various mental illnesses, ask questions, make appointments, and seek help anonymously via the Internet, a medium they are comfortable using. Links to 1-800-SUICIDE and an online assessment tool, the Self e-Valuator, developed by Duke University Medical Center. “The Self e-Valuator provides a valuable and objective perspective if or when you're struggling with troubling thoughts.”

With One Voice
The primary objective and aim of With One Voice is to bring students, families, professionals, schools, and communities together to energize suicide prevention. They use music and drama as a powerful vehicle to provide understanding and problem solving for kids in a language they can embrace. More importantly, With One Voice, Inc provides training, information, and exercises for schools, colleges, and youth organizations. The musical is not a stand-alone program, but rather a program that provides a context for education, discussion, and an opportunity to respond to the emotional needs of the audience. It encourages individuals to seek help if they are experiencing serious problems themselves or dealing with a suicidal loved one or friend. Website includes musical lyrics and other information about accessing the program.

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
The Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program offers resources, hotlines, and references for parents and teens including topics of suicide among gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans-gendered, and questioning youth. Their “Ask4Help” program is two-fold: Get cards to youth and inform adults what they are so that adults can respond appropriately and immediately if they receive a card from a teen/youth. Website includes resources and information on starting local Yellow Ribbon programs.