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sound minds in sound bodies

“People can take control of their mental and emotional fitness the way they can their physical health.” -- Kate Burkhart, former executive director of the Alaska Mental Health Board and Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.

Sound Minds in Sound Bodies

“Sound Minds in Sound Bodies” is our campaign encouraging Alaskans to take five simple steps to improve their mental health. Strong social connections, regular physical activity, being attentive and aware of the world around us, lifelong learning, helping and sharing with others — all help promote well-being.

The boards invite Alaskans to take five simple steps over eight weeks. Research has found these actions effectively build the resiliency that helps people reduce or avoid serious mental health and substance abuse problems. Each step has examples.
  • Connect with friends and family.
  • Send a postcard
    Read the same book your child or friend is reading
    Help someone with a project - shoveling their driveway, organizing old photos or making dinner for friends
  • Move your body 30 minutes a day.
    Go for a walk
  • Sign up for the AMHB and ABADA President’s Active Lifestyle Challenge group at (group number 96386)
    Go sledding, skiing or skating
  • Be mindful of your experiences, in the world and inside.
  • Write in a journal
    Send a letter to the editor
  • Learn something new, take a class, or dust off an old skill set.
  • Take dance lessons
    Learn a new language
    Get out a project you have half-done and finish it
  • Give to your community or someone in need by volunteering or sharing with others.
  • Shovel a neighbor’s driveway
    Help at a soup kitchen
    Pick up a piece of litter – recycle it if possible!

What are your ideas? Share them on our Facebook pages.

facebook icon Alaska Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (ABADA)

facebook iconAlaska Mental Health Board (AMHB)

    An estimated 34,000 Alaskan adults and youth experience serious mental health issues each year. Another 21,000 youth and adults are estimated to be dependent o​n alcohol. The State of Alaska spent more than $90 million on mental health and substance abuse treatment services from mid-2009 to mid-2010. For more information, see the 2009 Alaska Scorecard.