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Commission Members

The mission of the Alaska Commission on Aging is to ensure the dignity and independence of all older Alaskans, and to assist them to lead useful and meaningful lives through planning, advocacy, education, and interagency cooperation.

Commission Roster

The Commission is comprised of eleven members, seven of whom are public members (with six members being 60 years and older) appointed by the Governor to serve four-year terms. Two seats are filled by the Commissioners of the Department of Health and the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development. The remaining seats are reserved for the Chair of the Pioneer Home Advisory Board and a senior services provider, regardless of age. 

Representational Assignments

  • Alaska Alaska Mental Health Trust Representative
  • Alaska Mental Health Trust Representative for Rural Outreach
  • Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education Representative
  • Pioneer Home Advisory Board Representative

ACoA Staff

Alaska Commission on Aging Contact Email:

Resources from the Office of the Governor