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State Plan Advisory Committee

Please see the agendas and minutes of the Advisory Committee meetings to track the progress of this important activity. Other information will be posted as it becomes available.

About the Committee

Under requirements of the Older Americans Act, states must submit a state plan for approval by the U.S. Administration on Aging to quality for continued funding to support such programs as meals at senior centers, home delivered meals, various support services including transportation, family caregiving, preventative health, legal services, the Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman, and Adult Protective Services.

The Department of Health and Social Services was Alaska's 'state unit on aging' designated by Governor Murkowski in November 2003. The DHSS Commissioner delegated the 'state unit on aging' responsibilities to the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services (DSDS), and the Commission on Aging was delegated as the lead agency to develop a State Plan for Senior Services in cooperation with DSDS. The Commission has invited representatives from other organizations to serve on the State Plan Advisory Committee and will be contacting others during the planning process to provide specific information as needed. Updates on the progress will also be provided to the Commission during its quarterly business meetings.

A draft of the new State Plan will be made available on this website as it is being developed. The public will have several opportunities to provided comments to the Commission in advance of a final draft that will be submitted to the U.S. Administration on Aging. Please feel free to email if you have questions or would like to provide written comments on the progress of the draft Plan or contact (907) 465-3250.