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Directory of Alaska Health Care Safety Net Providers

Information from the Directory of Alaska Health Care Safety Net Providers can also be accessed online using the Community and Regional Affairs Community Database Online.

“Health care safety net” is a term used to refer to a wide variety of providers delivering care to low-income and other vulnerable populations, including the uninsured and those covered by Medicaid and Medicare. The safety net can also refer to health care providers who are required by law to see patients regardless of ability to pay, including emergency departments at public hospitals and Community Health Centers, Public Health Centers, non-profits, as well as community hospitals, private physicians, and other providers also deliver a substantial amount of care to these populations.

Though there is no commonly accepted definition of the “safety net,” the Institute of Medicine, in its “America’s Health Care Safety Net,” defines it as “Those providers that organize and deliver a significant level of health care and other related services to uninsured, Medicaid, and other vulnerable patients.” They further define a subset of “core safety net providers” as “These providers have two distinguishing characteristics:

  1. either by legal mandate or explicitly adopted mission they maintain an ‘open door,’ offering access to services for patients regardless of their ability to pay; and
  2. a substantial share of their patient mix is uninsured, Medicaid, and other vulnerable patients.”

If you know of a practice that should be included in this directory, please feel free to call Katie Reilly at 907-754-3553 or email her at

Source: America’s Health Care Safety Net, Intact but Endangered; Institute of Medicine; 2000; P3-4

Directory of Alaska Health Care Safety Net Providers by Region

Complete Directory of Safety Net Providers in Order by Community

Directory of Tribal/Village Clinic Managing Organizations

Alaska's system of safety net providers consists largely of community clinics operated by one of the state's tribal or village health organizations. Select this link to learn more about the managing organizations.

Additional Links

*DISCLAIMER: The Division of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) provides the Community Database Online (CDO) as a source of information to aid in advising and assisting local governments, including for research purposes. DCRA is not a referral agency and cannot make specific recommendations or endorsements. Links to other agencies and related organizations are provided as a service, and do not constitute endorsement or recommendation for the agencies/organizations or websites.

Updating the Directory

Our best resource for updating the Directory of Alaska Safety Net Providers is the people who use it. If you find something that needs to be added or corrected please email