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Upcoming Events


Education & Training Sponsored by the Infectious Disease Program

​​Current Events

​​Contact Tracing Training: Register at the link below.

March 2020

​Ventilation webinar

​Note- this webinar has some audio loss.Ventilation Systems and COVID-19 2020-03-27-14-11-34.mp4Ventilation Systems and COVID-19.mp4

Archived Ev​ents

May 30, 2019

​Measles Overview
Webinar - presentation slides​

January 25, 2019​

Foodborne Illness Investigation Training- Pre-Class Webinar Welcome Webinar.mp4Welcome Webinar.mp4

February 24, 2018
A Chronic Disease You Can Cure: Hepatitis C Treatment for Primary Care Providers
Anchorage, AK

June 28, 2017
Taking Action to Prevent and Manage Multidrug-Resistant Organisms and C. difficile in Nursing Homes

May 24, 2017
Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Infection Prevention
Webinar -
presentation slides 

Webinar recording - VPD Webinar with Dr. Lynch-20170524 2007-1.mp4VPD Webinar with Dr. Lynch

May 2-3, 2017
Epi-Ready Team Training: Foodborne Illness Response Strategies
Anchorage, AK

February 22, 2017
Alaska Infectious Disease Reporting & Investigation
Webinar - presentation slides
