Care Coordination Conference held Jan. 18-19
More than 300 professionals registered for the Care Coordination Conference hosted by the Alaska Department of Health & Social Services, Division of Senior & Disabilities Services on Jan. 18-19, 2017.
Presentations covered working with individuals with traumatic brain injury; the ins and outs of working with guardians; what independent living centers do in Alaska; working from complex to coordinated care and having a unified vision; Disabilities 101; finding supports for people with complex needs, and person-centered thinking.
We had great presentations from Ric Nelson with the Governor's Council on Disabilities & Special Education (GCDSE) - "The Right Fit"; "A Path to Employment" by Kristin Vandagriff from GCDSE, and the new federal rules on Home and Community Based Settings by Deb Etheridge from Senior & Disabilities Services. 
A special shout out goes to Public Assistance's Deb Robinette for providing updates to include key SDS staff who spoke to other important topics.
Photo right, Director Duane Mayes presents flowers to Kara Thrasher Livingston and Cina Fisher (not pictured) of the SDS Training unit for their work to make this conference a success. They are both outstanding professionals! Thanks to everyone who presented and who attended. We appreciate the your hard work, energy and commitment.