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Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.


Automated Service Plan (ASP)

“Imagine a single online care plan per SDS client, created by the client’s providers, accessible to SDS employees for efficient review and then providers for updating. I’m pleased to announce that we will be building such a system over the next couple of years, with support from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The goal of the project is, of course, to better manage our programs, make them easier to use for our partners, and ultimately provide better support to all of our clients.

The service plan, for all programs eventually, will be put into the system by the client’s provider(s). SDS staff will then review the plan. Once approved, the plan will then be accessible by the relevant providers.”

- Duane Mayes, Director, SDS

Project updates:

Automated Service Plan contacts:

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please send an email to our Group email address: