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Developmental Disabilities Program Information Links

Appearance of a link does not imply endorsement by the Alaska Department of Health, Division of Senior and Disabilities Services of the external website's content or the views and opinions of the external website's sponsoring organization. If you are a mental health or developmental disabilities resource, feel free to email us requesting a link to your organization.

  • Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education - GCDSE's mission is to create change that improves the independence, productivity, and inclusion into the community for people with developmental disabilities through planning, evaluation and advocacy to create change.
  • State ADA Coordinator's Office - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance program coordinates statewide implementation of disability rights laws to ensure people with disabilities have access to jobs and services within the executive branch of state government. Administrative Orders
    and 129 establish the ADA compliance program and set the controlling policies in regard to disability issues.
  • Disability Determination Services - Disability Determination Services (DDS) is contracted to the Social Security Administration (SSA) to adjudicate medical eligibility for disability benefits under Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income rules and regulations.
  • Women's, Children's and Family Health - The Mission of Women’s, Children’s and Family Health is to promote optimum health outcomes for all Alaskan women, children, teens and their families.
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - FAQ's, staff and office locations, Procurement Preference List, DVR library resources, Alaska Career Information Systems, Services and resource for the blind and visually impaired, Workforce Investment Act, Rehab Act Amendments, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Assistive Technologies of Alaska, Disability Determination Service, Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance, Business Enterprise Program and Alaska Transition Initiative.
  • State Office of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - To prevent all alcohol-related birth defects and to improve the delivery of services to those individuals already affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
  • Brooks Publishing - offering books, seminars, and other products for professionals, faculty members, a parent or self-advocate working to help unlock the potential of patients, students, and people with special needs.
  • Disability Law Center of Alaska - An independent non-profit law firm providing legal advocacy for people with disabilities anywhere in Alaska.