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The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Grant Program

Older adults represent the most inactive segment of the adult population and inactivity increases with age. They are also more affected by chronic disease. Evidence-based programs help encourage older adults to take control of their health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle through believing in themselves and self-management.

There is increasing evidence that ongoing physical activity can prevent, slow the progress of, and reduce the impact of disease. Physical activity has a positive impact on physical illness, depression, and mental declines. Development of health self-management skills help the elder Alaskan share in decision-making with health care providers and can reduce the need for more costly medical interventions.

The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP) grant program is funded through the Federal Title III Older Americans Act (OAA). The Department of Health (DOH), Division of Senior and Disabilities Services, administers the program. The HP/DP grants must be used for programs and activities that have been demonstrated, through research, to be effective.

Examples of Evidence-Based Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Programs include:

  • A Matter of Balance
  • Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
  • Diabetes Self-Management Program
  • Stay Active and Independent for Life
  • Tai Chi for Arthritis
  • Tai Chi Quan: Moving for Better Balance

For the complete list, please see, Highest Tier Evidence-Based Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Programs.

For a list of the State of Alaska Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Grantees:

Kristin Cox, ND, Health Program Manager II
Senior and Disabilities Services (DSDS)
PO Box 110680
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0680
Phone: 907-465-4876 Fax: 907-465-1170