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Developmental Checklist: 33 - 36 Months

During your child’s third year, you may see your child develop a steady interest in other children. She is becoming more interested in socializing. She will be more in control of her emotions (feelings) Babyhood is over and you will notice that you are dealing with a “junior” human being. She may be more aware of things especially when it comes to social events. Her mental (Mind) powers will amaze you!

Consider enrolling your child in a pre-school program. There are private and public programs available. A pre-school program will allow them additional opportunities to socialize and to learn how to get along with other children outside the home. It will also help prepare them for school. Also find out if your child is eligible for Head Start, a federally funded preschool program for low income families.

Things Your Child May Do At This Age

  • Stand and hop on one foot
  • Walk up stairs using alternate feet
  • Walk down stairs, putting both feet on one step
  • Pedal large tricycles and kiddie cars
  • Undo buttons, especially large buttons, easily
  • Begin to cut with blunt-edged scissors
  • Pour water from a pitcher into a cup with a little spill

Safety First!

Be sure to supervise your child when playing with water or using scissors.

Health Hints

  • Well Baby Check-ups: 36 months.
  • Continue to help your child try new food – especially fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
  • Teach your child the habit of brushing his or her teeth after each meal.

Nutrition Notes

Your child should not drink more than 4 to 6 ounces of fruit juice per day. It is easy to give her more juice than she needs, because juice and juice drinks taste good. But a lot of juice can cause diarrhea, weight gain, and dental decay. Once she’s finished her cup of juice, refill her cup with water.

Things You Can Do Every Day To Help Your Child Grow

  • Allow your child to spend more time with other children his own age. Also allow him to visit with family and friends in their home on his own.
  • Give her building blocks to play with. Such play will now include building towers and family, farm or town scenes.
  • Provide creative opportunities with art materials such as large crayons, paper, blunt-edged scissors, play dough, finger- paint, watercolors and paint brushes.
  • Allow your child to dress up and pretend to be a doctor, nurse, lawyer, actor, truck driver and so on. Playing make-believe is normal and very important for brain development.
  • Give him time to solve problems on his own. Wait until he asks for your assistance before you help.
  • Allow your children to watch limited educational or children’s programs on TV. Continue to read with your child daily.
  • Encourage her to tell you stories to develop original thinking and to increase her vocabulary.
  • Singing action rhymes, songs and finger play will encourage his language development. Songs such as the “Itsy, Bitsy Spider” and “Five Little Monkeys” have rhyming words and finger play that goes with the song.

Games You Can Play With Your Baby

Action Rhyme: This is my right hand; I’ll raise it high. This is my left hand; I’ll touch the sky.