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Links and Resources

Select a link for more information:

Alaska Resources

Alaska Childcare Resource & Referral Network:

Department of Education & Early Development

Department of Health & Social Services

Division of Public Health

HOPE Community Resources Inc.

A private, not for profit agency operating in the state of Alaska to provide services to individuals who experience a disability.

Stone Soup Group

Stone Soup Group (SSG) is a statewide 501(c)3 non-profit that provides information, support, training and resources to assist families caring for children with special needs. SSG is staffed almost entirely by parents or family members of a child with special needs, so they know the journey and are better able to help other families navigate through what is often an overwhelming and confusing process following a diagnosis or, at times of transition later down the road.


  • Alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC)
    provides autism specific information, referral, training, and consultation.
    Toll Free: 866-301-7372
    From Anchorage: 907-334-1300
  • Alaska Early Intervention/Infant Learning Program
    Statewide early intervention services: screening, evaluation and family service coordination, are available to families with infants and toddlers (birth to age three) with special needs.
    Phone: 907-269-8442
    Infant Learning Program
  • Center for Children with Special Needs at Providence
    Assessment and community care coordiantion.
    Phone: 907-562-9212
  • Division of Senior and Disability Services
    Serves seniors, adults with physical disabilities and seniors on Medicaid Waivers, persons with developmental disabilities, vulnerable adults and assisted living providers.
    Phone: 907-269-3666
    Toll Free: 800-478-9996
  • Governor’s Council on Disabilities & Special Education
    GCDSE connects the public with policymakers, to ensure development of an efficient and seamless service delivery system that meets the needs of individuals with disabilities across the life span. A special report: “ Autism Issues and Needs in Alaska ” is available on the GCDSE web site.
    Toll Free: 1-888-269-8990
    From Anchorage: 907-269-8990
  • Stone Soup Group
    A non-profit agency providing support, information and referral to families of children with special needs.
    Phone: 907-561-3701


Early Childhood Resources

  • Best Beginnings
    Best Beginnings is a public-private partnership that mobilizes people and resources to ensure all Alaska children begin school ready to succeed through support from businesses, foundations, nonprofits, government, and individuals.
  • Bright Futures
    A developmental approach to providing health supervision for all children ages birth through adolescence.
  • I Am Your Child Campaign
    Aimed at increasing public awareness, this site is maintained by the Rob Reiner Foundation. Provides information and resources about early childhood development for parents and caregivers.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
    NAEYC exists for the purpose of leading and consolidating the efforts of individuals and groups working to achieve healthy development and constructive education for all young children.
  • Positive Parenting
    A user friendly diverse information resource with links to many other related pages
  • Yahoo
    Provides links to early childhood resources for parents and caregivers
  • Zero to Three
    National organization dedicated to helping infants, toddlers and their families best navigate the earliest year of life.


Early Intervention Resources

  • DB Link
    The National Information Clearing House on Children Who are Deaf-Blind.
  • House Ear Institute
    The Institute is dedicated to developing knowledge about hearing and related disorders and sharing that knowledge. Offers links about ongoing research efforts as well as public and professional educational programs.
  • Mediation
    Resource on alternative dispute resolution, funded by OSEP
  • National Parent to Parent Support and Information System
    Provides important nationwide listing of Parent to Parent Programs linking parents of children with special health needs and rare disorders.
  • Parents Helping Parents (PHP)
    A comprehensive , parent-directed family resource center for children with any kind of special need.
  • Parent Training & Information Centers
    Lists all the parent training information centers in the US that provide training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, school-aged children, & young adults with disabilities and professionals who work with their families.


Federal Government Resources


Specific Disability Resources

  • Child and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD)
    National non-profit organization representing children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Founded in 1987 by a group of concerned parents, CHADD works to improve the lives of people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder through education, advocacy and support. Working closely with leaders in the field of AD/HD research, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Deaf-Blind
    National Information Clearinghouse on children who are Deaf-Blind.
  • Disability Related Sites on the World Wide Web
    Publications and video resources from the ARC of the United States
  • Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC)
    Communicates information relating to the needs of children with disabilities on a global basis in order to: 1) Provide valuable information for parents, family members, caregivers, friends, educators, and medical professionals who interact with children who have disabilities, 2) Improve the environment for children with disabilities, 3)Create positive changes and enhance public awareness and knowledge of children with disabilities.
  • National Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
    ADDA is especially focused on the needs of ADD children and young adults with ADD. Material specially written for children can be found in our Kids Area. For personal stories from adults with ADD, visit the Personal Stories Area.


National Advocacy Groups

  • Autism Society of America
    The mission of the Autism Society of America is to promote lifelong access and opportunities for persons within the autism spectrum and their families, to be fully included, participating members of their communities through advocacy, public awareness, education, and research related to autism
  • Council For Exceptional Children (CEC)
    The largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. Advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides continual professional development, advocates for newly and historically underserved individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain resources for effective professional practice.
  • Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
    Advocates for individuals who work with or on behalf of children with special needs, birth through age eight, and their families. Promotes policies and practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of children.
  • March of Dimes
  • National Federation of the Blind
    This resource guide can assist parents, professionals, and others to identify potential services for supporting and improving the lives of deaf-blind children
  • National Down Syndrome Society
    A comprehensive, on-line information source about Downs syndrome.
  • National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NEC*TAS)
    NECTAS is a national technical assistance consortium working to support states to improve Part C services for young children with disabilities and their families.
  • National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
  • Spina Bifida Association of America Promotes the prevention of spina bifida.


Technology & Early Childhood Intervention

    Provides information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources to consumers, organizations, professionals, and caregivers within the United States.
  • Closing the Gap
    Source for information on innovative applications of computer technology in special education and rehabilitation.
  • Nation Center to Improve Practice (NCIP)
    Promotes the effective use of technology to enhance education outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities
  • Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers
    Provides technical assistance for establishing, developing, and coordinating parent training and information projects under IDEA.



Disability Related Legislation

Early Intervention - Federal Legislation

Early Intervention - State Legislation

  • Programs for Handicapped Children (7 AAC 23)
  • Grant Programs (7 AAC 78)
  • Fees for Departments (7 AAC 80)
  • Services for Developmentally Delayed or Disabled Children (AS 47.20)
  • For more information on Part C
