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Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.

Rural Long-Term Care Development

Rural Long-Term Care Development assists in the development of a variety of services in rural areas so that elders can remain as close to home as possible when they need extended care. We can provide training and technical assistance to your community. Please contact us for more information.

Long-Term Care Development

Funded by a grant from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, our goal is to assist rural communities to develop home and community based services, such as care coordination, chore and respite services, Personal Care Assistance Program, adult day centers, and other Home & Community Based Waiver services.

Nellie's Recipes

Assisted Living Development

Funded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Coming Home Program, our goal is to promote affordable, sustainable assisted living homes in rural parts of the state.

  • Assisted Living Public Service Announcements Radio version (60 seconds; 156 KB)
  • TV version (30 seconds; 3,035 KB)

Please note: these items require the free RealPlayer software (look carefully for the free version *check the upper right hand corner of the page - do not click on any download that asks for your credit card information).

Assisted Living Overview (PowerPoint presentation)

Assisted Living Development Information:

Let's Eat More of Alaska's Traditional Foods!

Donate your hunted or gathered foods to food services, senior meals, hospitals, and other programs in Alaska! Find out more information by clicking on the posters (pdf). Print them out and share with friends, families and coworkers. Pass it along!

Foods Poster 1 Foods Poster 2

Seniors and Disabilities Services
1835 Bragaw Street, Suite 350
Anchorage, AK 99508
Direct: (907) 269-3677
Anchorage Main Office: 907-269-3666 or 1-800-478-9996 in Alaska