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Overview of Programs & Services

Audit Section

The Audit Section is responsible for the monitoring of state and federal single audits of over 125 non-profit corporations and local government agencies that receive approximately $125,000,000 in grants and contracts from the Department of Health & Social Services. Special review audits and investigations of department divisions and grantees are conducted upon request. Technical assistance is provided to department managers, grantees and CPA firms concerning specific accounting and audit requirements of department programs. Audit Section staff also assist the Division of Legislative Audit with the annual federal single audit compliance audit of the department.

Budget Section

This section provides technical budget support to the Department as well as management guidance and analysis to the Commissioner's Office. It is responsible for analyzing, monitoring, and controlling the Department's annual operating and capital budgets, budget amendments, revised programs, supplemental, and fiscal notes. It is also responsible for Departmental financial procedures, processing and control and position authorization control.

Grants & Contracts Section

This section is responsible for procurement, which is headquartered in Juneau with a regional office in Anchorage; leasing (which manages 75 offices around the state); and administrative support for all 300 DHSS grants. Professional Services contracts are established by the procurement office as well as commodities and non-professional services. They also maintain handling all Departmental mail.

Information Systems

The information systems section is responsible for Department-wide management and coordination of information and telecommunication activities including the Department Wide Area Network.

Revenue/Finance Section

The finance section is responsible for assisting all Divisions within the Department in fulfilling their financial obligations by providing prompt and accurate payments to vendors for health and social service programs and communities; maximizing $500 million in federal claims processing, maintaining adequate cash management and meeting federal reporting requirements in a timely manner.