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Alaskans with Disabilities Have Rights

The Alaska Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education shares the following information in collaboration with the Disability Law Center of Alaska (DLC):
Public Service Announcement:
Alaskans with Disabilities Have Rights
You are a human being, and human beings deserve respect and dignity.

Alaskans with disabilities have rights to respect, dignity, and to be equal to everyone else. That means living a full life, free of abuse and neglect. DLC and the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education worked together with self-advocates to share this important message.

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Featured in the PSA are three council members (Jena Crafton, Anna Attla, and Sabrina Richmond) as well as two council staff (Jamie Kokoszka and Ian Miner). Wonderful job everyone!

To report abuse or neglect of a vulnerable Alaskan, call Adult Protective Services at 1-800-478-9996 or file a report online.