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​​Mental Health Trust

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Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

The Council reports on the status and needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and the​ir families and makes recommendations for funding on their behalf to the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (the "Trust"). The Governor's Council is one of four governor-appointed advisory boards that are responsible for planning services for Trust beneficiaries. Trust beneficiaries are any Alaskans with:

  • mental illness
  • developmental disabilities
  • chronic alcoholism and other substance-related disorders
  • Alzheimer's disease and related dementia
  • traumatic brain injuries

The Governor's Council works closely with the Trust to plan, evaluate, and promote programs for people with disabilities. The Trust makes recommendations to the governor and the legislature regarding expenditure of Trust and other state funds. Several of our projects and initiatives at the Governor's Council, including the Complex Behavior Initiative and those involving supported employment, are funded and supported by the Trust.

 To learn more, contact the Trust here