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State of Alaska Resources & Publications

Visit our homepage and links listed on the navigation column at right for additional resources.

Alaska Longitudinal Child Abuse and Neglect Linkage Project (ALCANLink) This DHSS project explores information on pre-birth factors and the effects they might have on the family in the context of Adverse Childhood Experiences. This work provides clear evidence for the need for early and continued efforts to prevent child maltreatment before birth and throughout childhood.

Transforming Schools- A Framework for Trauma Engaged Practice (2019)
Aimed at schools/communities, this document uses lessons learned by school staff and community members within Alaska to make our schools a place of positive transformation and significant learning for each student.

Marijuana Facts Graphic

Marijuana Public Health Information
The Alaska Division of Public Health website is designed to educate Alaska residents and visitors about safe, legal and responsible marijuana use.

Opioids in Alaska link

Opioids in Alaska
The Division of Public Health maintains this website which provides current data and resources on preventing opioid misuse and overdose in Alaska.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs in Alaska)
Information on Alaska-specific ACEs data as well as background on the original 1995-1997 study conducted by Kaiser Permanente.

Cultural Resources for Alaska Families – Traditional Health & Wellness Guide (2018)
While it was created to help with case planning in the child welfare system, this guide is available for anyone who may benefit from its content. It is intended to equip practitioners with information regarding traditional Alaska Native wellness activities and resources.

Medicaid Recipient Handbook (2019)
The Division of Health Care Services released this handbook which is a broad overview of the program and services available for financially eligible Alaskans.

State ADA Coordinator's Office

This office helps to ensure Alaskans with disabilities have equal access to state government facitilites, programs, and services.